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SeriesInfo get axis title

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I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

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Best Answer

Hi Marcel,

Please try out this solution – uses MultiBinding and ValueConverter, looks for AxisTitle using DataSeries.SeriesName, so you still need to set it, but to any value you want.

Put this inside the DataTemplate:

                        <TextBlock Grid.Row="0"
                                   Foreground="{Binding SeriesColor,
                                                        Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}}">
                                <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource SeriesNameToAxisTitleConverter}" Mode="OneTime">
                                    <Binding Path="SeriesName" />
                                    <Binding ElementName="sciChart" Path="." />

ValueConverter code:

    public class SeriesNameToAxisTitleConverter: IMultiValueConverter
        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            var seriesName = (string)values[0];
            var sciChartSurface = (ISciChartSurface)values[1];

            var currentSeries =
                sciChartSurface.RenderableSeries.SingleOrDefault(series => series.DataSeries.SeriesName == seriesName);

            var yAxisId = currentSeries.YAxisId;
            var axisTitle = sciChartSurface.YAxes.Single(axis => axis.Id == yAxisId).AxisTitle;

            return axisTitle;

        public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

Is this a suitable way to achieve what do you want?

Best regards,

  • Marcel
    Hello Yuriy, yes it is suitable, thank you very much! Have a nice day!
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I solved this problem by binding to SeriesName and set this before with the name for the YAxis, but surely there is a better way

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