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Show custom annotation anchored to Left and Bottom position

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I am trying to Zoom to the contents of the graph. I have a custom annotation that is anchored to the bottom left position. When I zoom into the data contents using the method ViewPortManager.AnimateZoomExtents(), the top of the annotation gets cut of, but it shows the anchor point. Is there a way I can show the entire custom annotation when zooming or is there a way to get the top right coordinate position of the custom annotation?

Kind regards

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Hi Bridgette,

Thanks for your inquiry.
You can use relative coordinates to keep the Annotation on the surface while zooming.
For example, to keep the Y-position of the annotation you could set the “CoordinateMode” property to “RelativeY” and then set the Y coordinates in the range of 0.0 … 1.0, meaning the Height percentage of the SciChartSurface.

More information can be found in our “Annotations API” documentation here:
SciChart WPF Documentation – Intro to the Annotations API _ WPF Chart Documentation

Please let me know if this helps.

Kind regards,
SciChart Technical Support Engineer

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