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Some points disappear from graph

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I have a problem with disappearing points on refresh.
I have a measuring process in progress, so my new data coming continously. When the next data is added to my collection, it refreshes the whole graph (Clear, then re-add every point). Sometimes (sporadically) it happens, that some of my points are invisible, but after something changes (new point is added/zooming in the chart etc…) everything is back to normal again.

I have attached a gif, where I have all my 100 points arrived, but only 29 is visible. I need visible points every time.

(I am using ObservableCollection, when CollectionChanged is triggered, I clear my XyDataSeries and add every element from my collection.)

Could you please give me some hint?

Thank you!

  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Laszlo, clearing and recreating all points on data changed doesn’t sound like the way to do this. It should work though. Do you have a code sample which reproduces this problem? Could be something simple like how the clear/add is working.
  • László Jancsó
    Hi Andrew. We’ve had some issues with adding points one-by-one, that is why we changed to this kind of overkill solution. But now it seems like we solved it. The main problem occurred from multiple DataCollectionChanged subscription, that we weren’t notice until now, and the chart threw exception from not ordered X axis (for sure). Also thanks for the help, it gave us the idea to rethink one-by-one adding
  • Lex
    Hi László, Thanks for your reply. We’re glad the issue is solved! If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us. With best regards, Lex
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