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Hi~ supporter

On testing scichart for a migration of our chart library, I had a some problems.

Because I tested scichart for just two days so It maybe my mistakes..^^

  1. MouseWheelZoomModifier does not work.

– If There is no series on chart area, MouseWheellZoom works well but After add curve, It stop working.

  1. Rubber Band Zoom for Stacked bar chart

– After adding serveral stacked bar charts, When I try to do rubber band zoom for stacked bar chart, Stacked bar often disappear.

  1. ZoomExtants for Stacked bar chart

– After adding several stacked bar charts, When I call “ZoomExtants()”, all stacked bar charts does not fit in chart area.

I attached a sample program.
I will looking forward to your answer.


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Hi Sunchul,

Thanks for your inquiry. Concerning your questions, here is what we discovered during investigation:

  1. MouseWheelZoomModifier does not work – it is a WinForms issue. In the sample application, after pressing the “Add Curve” button it gets focused. There is a blue outline around it. When I focus ElementHost using keyboard, MouseWheelModifier starts working as expected. So just focusing ElementHost in code should fix the issue.

2 and 3 happen due to the same reason. An exception is thrown during series rendering terminating drawing for the others. This happens because of a bug in the implementation, when a series has a smaller DataRange than another one, and trying to zoom in outside that DataRange, sometimes it crashes.

We logged it and the fix will be delivered within the nearest update. Thank you for the sample which helped to discover it.

Hope the above helps! If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask,

Best regards,

  • Sunchul Kim
    Dear Yuriy, the problem about losting focus is resolved and I have further questions. Is it the problem of only stacked bar chart? I could not reproduce the same case for line series. Could you release the fixed version within 3 months? Thank you for your answer. Best Regards, Sunchul
    • Guest
    • 10 years ago
    • 1
    Hi Sunchul, thanks for your reply. Yes, the issue occurs with StackedColumns only. I'm pretty sure it can be fixed within 3 month. I'll update my post above when it's fixed. Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions, Best regards, Yuriy
    • Guest
    • 10 years ago
    • 1
    Hi Sunchul, could you please tell us more about your requirements for StackedColumnSeries? In their current implementation, it is intended that all stacked series have the same XValues. If they don't, there may be some issues. Like these that can be reproduced in your sample.
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Hi Yuriy,
I am testing Scichart v3.42.6778 and as your mention, I confirmed zoom problem about multi-stacked columned chart groups with different x values.
Could you fix it?
Our product should support that bar chart type and line type should exist in same chart area.
Thank you~

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