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Tick label rotation using data bound vertical axes

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I’m using the YAxes property of the chart to data bind to a collection of NumericAxisViewModels. Is there a way to rotate the tick labels in this scenario. I can’t define a style in XAML and then assign it to the Axis because the axis is created in scichart somewhere. All I have is the axis view model. I have a LabelProvider but it doesn’t seem to support rotation unless I access the ParentAxis. Ultimately I would like to rotate some vertical axis and not other but I might be able to live with rotating all of them.

I have tried defining a style in xaml that applies to all numeric axis but it didn’t work:

<Style TargetType="{x:Type s:DefaultTickLabel}">
        <Setter Property="LayoutTransform">
                <RotateTransform Angle="-90"/>

Adding a LabelProvider sort of works but seems a little hacky and doesn’t set the scale appropriately ( I have to zoom to extends to see the labels). Is this the way I am supposed to do it?

public override string FormatLabel(IComparable dataValue) {
        var style = new Style(typeof(DefaultTickLabel));
        style.Setters.Add(new Setter(DefaultTickLabel.LayoutTransformProperty, new  RotateTransform(-90.0)));
        ParentAxis.TickLabelStyle = style;
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