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Tooltip Template MVVM

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I’ve read the TooltipModifier article but I don’t believe the method discussed in this article will work for me. The renderable series of my chart is set in within my ViewModel; therefore the described method of setting the TooltipModifier using the following syntax will not work for me since my series are not defined in the XAML.

<s:SomeSeriesType s:TooltipModifier.TooltipTemplate="{StaticResource XyTooltipTemplate}" />

Instead I am using the following.

<s:SciChartSurface RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding SeriesInMyModel}" />

What can I do to overcome this problem?

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Best Answer

Hi Chris,

You are right, but the good news is that we have a documentation article on exactly this topic: Worked Example – Bind Tooltip Templates or Attached Properties in MVVM.

Please let me know if that helps!

Best regards

  • Chris Kirkman
    that did it! thanks so much. In fact it opened up my eyes to a lot more customization that I’ll be able to apply to my different series. One thing I was facing recently was to not show tooltips for some series and show them for others, and now I am able to do so.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Glad to be of help! You should check out the attached property TooltipModifier.IncludeSeries. Set this to false on a RenderableSeries to exclude it from the TooltipModifier. Other modifiers such as CursorModifier, VerticalSliceModifier, RolloverModifier also have IncludeSeries. Modifiers like YAxisDragModifier has IncludeAxis attached property too!
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