I’ve had great success showing pixel values of a 2D image using the UniformDataSeries3D type. What I’d like to do now is display a subset of the pixel values in an image using a rectangular region of interest. However, it seems that the axes always start from 0. If I want to have the axes to not begin at value 0, will I have to calculate points for the whole image and zoom in? Or is there a way to set what the starting value of the axes are (while still indexing the values at index 0)
- [email protected] asked 7 years ago
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Hi there,
The issue of SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D / UniformDataSeries3D not respecting axis ranges was fixed in SciChart WPF v5, which was released today.
Can you try the updated version and let me know if it addresses the issue?
Best regards,
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 7 years ago
- last edited 7 years ago
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Hi Andrew,
Thank you for answering. I would love to try v5 to see if the issue is resolved, however our subscription expired in the time between I asked this question and now. I don’t suppose there’s a way I could get around that?
- [email protected] answered 7 years ago
- I can give you a trial key to check it out – just email sales and mention this forum thread and we will do it. It was quite a big change (a lot of code had to be re-written) so not possible to back-port it to v4 I’m afraid. but it should work in v5. In any case we would appreciate your feedback!
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