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Vertical labels?

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Hi, is it possible to render the X-axis labels vertically? I’m using an ILabelFormatter to output long-ish strings, so they need to be rendered vertically due to the limited space available along the axis.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Andy,

Please, find the answers below:
– You should set RoloverModifier.RolloverLabelTemplate to null(RolloverLabelTemplate=”{x:Null} in xaml”) or Series.RolloverMarker to empty control.

  • You use SeriesSelectionModifier, don’t you? If so, you can consider setting SeriesSelectionModifier.ExecuteOn=”MouseRightButton”, or separate the dataseries on two: you need to use double.NaN to ‘skip’ some points– NaN is treated as a null value in SciChart. Please, take a look at
    Generate Scatter charts with diff colors thread, maybe you can find useful info there.

  • Surely you can do this, just need to bind to XValue instead(however, you need to use a value converted for XValue is IComparable). Please, check this How to show X and Y values separated post.

Please, let us know if this helps!

Best regards,

  • andyste1
    Hi Apologies, I had cut/paste some code from one of your examples, and hadn't noticed a SeriesSelectionModifier hiding in there. That will explain why I was able to select series! Regarding the last point, rather than display the X value, I wanted to use the X value to lookup a string in a separate collection, and display that. I've now managed to do this using a converter. Thanks again for your help.
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Unfortunately, it’s not supported yet. We are going to implement label styling capabilities(and this probably will include transformations) later in 2.0, but it isn’t high-priority now.

I can suggest you showing label values in two lines(please, check this implementation with two-story labels post and Formatted text question thread) or using CursorModifier to show specially formatted values on XAxis for cursor point only.

Is any of above suitable for you?

Update June 2014
From SciChart v3.0 we support customization of axis labels. This also includes rotation of labels. For more information please take a look on this article and on our XAML styling example

Best regards,

  • andyste1
    I'm going to be plotting quite a lot of points, so there is unlikely to be enough room for the two line approach . I guess I could try rendering vertical labels using something like an ItemsControl beneath the chart? It could get tricky to exactly align the items with the chart ticks, but I'll see what I can do. Thanks for your help Andy
  • andyste1
    With hindsight I'm probably going to be short of space, as there could be a lot of X points. I'm now thinking of using a rollover modifier to display these X-axis labels instead. A couple of questions though:- - I want to display the information in a separate panel (like your "Rollover Feedback" demo), however I don't want to see the RolloverModifier's tooltip when the mouse is over a point. Can this be turned off? - It's currently not possible to have different colours in an XyScatterRenderableSeries, so I'm "faking it" using two series (of different colours), one overlaid on the other. The trouble is, if I click one of the series it seems to cover points in the other series (presumably it's being brought to the front?). Is there a way to stop the user from selecting a series in this way? - In your "Rollover feedback" demo, you display the Y value in a panel in the top-left of the window. If I also wanted to display the X-axis label of the point being hovered over, how would I do this? Thanks again, Andy
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