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VerticalSliceModifier not working with MouseEventGroup

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I am stacking a number of SciChartSurfaces in a UniformGrid and using the MouseEventGroup to control modifiers. This works well in my test code for modifiers such as the CursorModifier and RolloverModifier, but when I add a VerticalSliceModifier to the ModifierGroup, it does not work as expected. Each chart gets the vertical slice cursors, but they function independently as if not part of a mouse event group. Are the VerticalSliceModifier(s) compatible with mouse groups? An image of the output is attached. Here is the data template that I’m using:


      <s:SciChartSurface Margin="0,0,0,2" 
          RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding RenderableSeries}"  
          Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding Annotations}"
          YAxes="{s:AxesBinding YAxes}"
          XAxes="{s:AxesBinding XAxes}">


          <s:ModifierGroup s:MouseManager.MouseEventGroup="{Binding MouseEventGroup}">

            <s:VerticalSliceModifier Name="sliceModifier" ReceiveHandledEvents="True">
                <s:VerticalLineAnnotation Style="{StaticResource sliceStyle}" X1="500"/>
                <s:VerticalLineAnnotation Style="{StaticResource sliceStyle}" X1="2000"/>

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Hi Greg,

Good point. Well the VerticalLineAnnotations in your modifier have an X1 value and are not actually move by the Modifier mouse events, but by dragging the line (in essence the line handles its own mouse handling and movement).

What I suggest you do in this case if you want to sycnrhonize Vertical lines across charts, is bind the X1’s to a common property TwoWay. For example, you might want to have a parent ViewModel which exposes X1 properties and bind to that.

Makes it tricky from an architectural point of view I know, but it’s not a case we’re really considered so far hence workaround is the best option.

Best regards,

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