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VisibleRange behaviour changed after upgrading to

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I’m investigating an issue caused after upgrading from to
After feeding some data to display the graph users can pause the process and then navigate back and forth.
For that, our code sets AutoRange="Never" and binds the “VisibleRange” property to an IRange instance (DoubleRange).
In the ViewModel, the values are updated with this.XAxisRange.SetMinMax(...), which worked just fine in 8.0.0.
However, after the upgrade, the UI doesn’t reflect the change.
After reading through the docs and posts on this forum, I changed to reassign the property with a new instance of DoubleRange every time.

Is that the correct solution?

I wonder why it worked before and not anymore. I can see the PropertyChanged event args are different in 8.6.0 when calling SetMinMax(...)

TBF, it’s my first contact with the library, so any additional clarification is appreciated.


  • Lex
    • Lex
    • 2 months ago
    Hi Josimar, Thank you for reporting this. I’m going to discuss the reported issue with our team and will get back to you as soon as I have an update. Additionally, we would appreciate it if you could prepare a small sample project reproducing the reported issue and send it to us for investigation. Kind regards, Lex, SciChart Technical Support Engineer
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Hi Josimar,

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.
We discussed your inquiry.

There was a change in the Ranges’ behavior indeed.
Your solution looks correct, though.

Alternatively, you could also set the MinMax values and call the OnPropertyChanged method to update the Binding.

Kind regards,
SciChart Technical Support Engineer

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Hi Lex,

I went ahead with this implementation and it’s been working as expected.
Thanks for the confirmation

Best regards,
Josimar Santana

  • Lex
    Hi Josimar, Thanks for your reply. I’m glad we helped! If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us. Kind regards, Lex
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