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want Z axis is up not Y axis, second contour problem

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we want z axis up but when we draw Y axis come up hot to solve this

        short[] shortArrayz;
        int lengthz;
        short[,] shortArray = new short[100, 15];
        using (BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(
                    File.Open("F971-181223-10.MNZ", FileMode.Open)))
            // 2.
            // Position and length variables.
            int pos = 0;
            // 2A.
            // Use BaseStream.

            //    pos += sizeof(int);
            //  pos += sizeof(int);
            lengthz = (int)b.BaseStream.Length;
            shortArrayz = new short[lengthz];

            //    Console.WriteLine(length);
            while (pos < lengthz)
                // 3.
                // Read integer.


                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)

                        shortArray[i, j] = b.ReadInt16();
                        Console.WriteLine(shortArray[i, j]);

                shortArrayz[pos] = b.ReadInt16();

                // 4.
                // Advance our position variable.
                pos += sizeof(short);

        //100x15 lik dosya için        
        int xSize = 15;
        int ySize = 100;

        var meshDataSeries = new UniformGridDataSeries3D<double>(xSize, ySize)
            SeriesName = "Uniform Surface Mesh",

        int h = 0;

        for (int x = 0; x <xSize; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++)
                double z =(double) shortArrayz[h];
            meshDataSeries[y, x] = z;

                h += sizeof(short);               

        // Assign the DataSeries to the char
        surfaceMeshRenderableSeries.DataSeries =meshDataSeries;

2) In contour graph values is coorect but seems like it is sliced how to solve this?

Codes are attached

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Hi there

It is possible to switch between Left Handed and Right Handed coordinates by following these steps here

However, in SciChart3D, in both cases, the Y Axis is always UP.

You can hide the XYZ indicator if you want by setting the property SciChart3DSurface.IsXyzGizmoVisible = false.

Then set YAxis.AxisTitle = “Z Axis” and it will appear to the user as a z-axis.

Best regards,

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I’m glad to inform you that we’ve introduced an option to set up 3D Charts to have Z-Axis pointing upwards in SciChart v7.0.1.
Please take a look at the “3D Viewport Orientation Modes” section of the following documentation article:

Please try this out and let us know your feedback.

With best regards,
SciChart Technical Support Engineer

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