Hello. I have been playing around with SciChart_SurfaceMesh3DNonUniformData example solution of yours. I have modified the data in it, some of the properties, etc.
I have managed to get the cursor to display and snap to the nearest points while still being able to rotate and zoom the graph.
What I have not been able to figure out, have tried many different things, are the following:
- I would like to change the tooltip. Right now it is showing the default one which shows something like this:
Nonuniform Surface Mesh
Cell Index: z=6, x=8
X Data: 3200.00
Y Data: 0.60
Z Data: 20.00
I would like to just show the X, Y, and Z values and maybe use my own labels instead of “X Data”, etc.
2. Would also be nice if I could position the tooltip a little further away from the cursor position so that it does not obscure the surface so much.
3. Lastly, as the user moves the cursor across the surface I would like to have the active point that it snaps to be displayed with a yellow ellipse to make it more obvious where the cursor is positioned.
I have attached my solution. It had a directory called SciChart8 where I had all the SciChart DLLs but I removed that before zipping it up so you will need to fix up the SciChart references to point to your own copies. I also removed my license key.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I have spent about 4 hours trying to get these things working without success.
Jeff Skory
- Jeff Skory asked 5 months ago
- Hello Jeff, I am sorry for the late response. Your inquiry requires further investigation. Thus I am going to discuss it with our team and will get back to you as soon as I have an update. Kind regards, Lex, SciChart Technical Support Engineer
- If I can add one more request onto this item: As the crosshair cursor is being moved around by the user (and tooltip is being displayed), how can I hook into this mouse event and extract out which data point is being highlighted by the cursor? The reason I am asking is that I am displaying a grid underneath the 3D map showing the values of the surface and would like to highlight the cell that corresponds to the crosshair cursor location. Thanks.
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Hi Jeff,
Hope you are doing well.
We discussed your question.
1) To achieve the described ToolTip appearance you can create your own Style for the Tooltip Item Template.
More details can be found in the “Styling the Tooltip Item Template” section of the following documentation article:
SciChart WPF Documentation – The TooltipModifier3D _ WPF Chart Documentation
We have also shown how to customize Tooltips in the following example:
WPF 3D Chart Custom Tooltip Template Example – SciChart
2) This can also be achieved with Styling as mentioned above.
3) This feature is not available out of the box.
However, we can log a new feature request and add it to one of the future SciChart versions if you provide us with more information regarding the desired behavior and look. Some pictures or mockups of the desired state as well as a sample video are appreciated.
And regarding your additional question, please see the last section of the documentation article mentioned above called “Changing the Tooltip DataContext” on how to hook into Tooltip data:
SciChart WPF Documentation – The TooltipModifier3D _ WPF Chart Documentation
Here we mention a 2D example:
WPF Chart Using TooltipModifier Tooltips – SciChart
However, the 3D API is pretty similar.
Kind regards,
SciChart Technical Support Engineer
- Lex answered 5 months ago
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Thank you for the information Lex!
I will dig into what you have pointed out some time this week.
With regards to item #3 (as you said, probably a new feature request) – I tried to attach a screenshot from a DevExpress demo (3D Chart – SeriesViews) that shows what I am after but it keeps telling me that the file is forbidden.
In any case, if you look at the SciChart demo called “Custom Tooltips with Modifiers” this shows a 2D graph where the vertical modifier highlights the trace with a marker (circle) on each trace. I am looking for something similar in the 3D chart. Wherever the crosshair cursor intersects with the surface it would be nice to show this location with a marker of some sort (miniature sphere?).
The other thing that would be useful is for the crosshair cursor to be able to be moved anywhere on the surface. Right now it only snaps to the vertices on the surface.
Finally, one thing that I like about the DevExpress demo is that the value of the crosshair cursors is not only shown in the tooltips but it also shows it along the axes. Similar to how the vertical modifier in the SciChart demo (mentioned above) has the value of the X-Axis at the bottom of the modifier.
Jeff Skory
- Jeff Skory answered 5 months ago
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