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Zoom or pan doesnt work for all series

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Hello Andrew,

when zooming a graph only 1 series is rendered (in this case). I have added a simple project that you can easily test. The values are loaded from xml files to simplify. I know it depends on the values but cant really understand what happens.
I had this issue before and waited for the new version to see if it solved. The behavior is exactly the same.

Thank you very much for your support


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Hello Marcel,

I found out what caused that issue. Are you aware that SciChart supports only sorted data for X values (because of performance reasons). So you need just sort your data:

            speedVsDistance.Append(data1.XData, data1.YData);

            var list = new List<double>(data2.XData);

            acceleration.Append(list, data2.YData);

For more info you could take a look at HitTest on XyScatterRenderable Series and Fix data values that arrive in a non sorted date time order articles.

Note soon we will be investigating auto-sorting of data internally as this has been requested by a few customers.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

  • Marcel
    Thank you very much for your fast answer. In fact the array is correctly ordered but because I use the invertedAxis property that array should be inverted as well. Didnt know about the sort requirement, but it renders anyway with zoom extends. Best regards, Marcel
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