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Zoom History

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Say that i zoom 8 times one after another into the chartsurface. Then when i doubleclick i zoom back to the extends with the ZoomExtentsModifier. However i would like to click somewhere and zoom back out step by step. How can i achieve this? Is there a simple option.

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Sorry no, there is no simple option to enable zoom history. It is a frequently requested feature though.

A few people have implemented a workaround for zoom history, but it requires overriding our ChartModifiers and storing visible range changes per axis in a Stack.

Best regards,

  • bochelie
    Hallo, I implemented one that works ok. However i can also zoom in/out with the mousewheelzoommodifier. I dont see any method in its base class wich i could use to know when the user is done zooming with the mousewheelzoommodifier. Do you have any suggestion?
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    I would only suggest creating a class that inherits MouseWheelModifier and overriding OnModifierMouseWheel. When the base.OnModifierMouseWheel returns, the zoom has changed.
  • bochelie
    I can't, when the user scolls with the mousewheel i dont need to save each one tick. Just the stand of the zoom after the last tick. Otherwise i will save each wheel tick, that would be too much.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    If you think about it - how can we or you differentiate between user mouse-wheel slowly or fast? Each 'event' from the mouse = one zoom and there is no MouseUp (or terminating event) to say the user finished. I can only suggest throttling the events, e.g. if after 300ms there has not been a mouse wheel zoom, then place the final range into the zoom history. However, this will also be problematic and bug-prone. its not an easy problem to solve I'm afraid.
  • bochelie
    Ok, i thought maybe there was something i was missing. So i dont have otther option, i will have to figure something out. Thanks Andrew.
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