DefaultViewportManager Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see DefaultViewportManager members.

Public Methods
Public Method Zooms to extents with the specified animation duration (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public Method Zooms the chart to the extents of the data in the X-Direction (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public Method Zooms the chart to the extents of the data in the Y-Direction, accounting for the current data in view in the X-direction (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public MethodCalled when the ViewportManagerBase is attached to a parent SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public MethodAsynchronously invokes the action on the UI Thread (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public MethodOverridden by derived types, called when the parent SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface requests to perform autoranging. The Range returned by this method will be applied to the chart on render (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public MethodCalled by the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface during render to calculate the new XAxis VisibleRange. Override in derived types to return a custom value (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public MethodCalled by the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface during render to calculate the new YAxis VisibleRange. Override in derived types to return a custom value (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public Method Called by IUpdateSuspender each time a target suspender is disposed. When the final target suspender has been disposed, ResumeUpdates is called (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public MethodCalled when the ViewportManagerBase is detached from a parent SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public Method Asynchronously requests that the element redraws itself plus children. Will be ignored if the element is ISuspendable and currently IsSuspended (within a SuspendUpdates/ResumeUpdates call) (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public Method Triggers a redraw on the parent surface with the specified RangeMode (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public MethodOverridden. Called when the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.ISciChartSurface is rendered.  
Public MethodOverridden. Called when the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.IAxisParams.VisibleRange changes for an axis. Override in derived types to get a notification of this occurring  
Public Method Resumes updates on the target, intended to be called by IUpdateSuspender (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public Method Suspends drawing updates on the target until the returned object is disposed, when a final draw call will be issued (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public Method Zooms the chart to the extents of the data, plus any X or Y Grow By fraction set on the X and Y Axes (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public Method Zooms the chart to the extents of the data in the X-Direction (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Public Method Zooms the chart to the extents of the data in the Y-Direction, accounting for the current data in view in the X-direction (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOverridden. Overridden by derived types, called when the parent SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface requests the XAxis VisibleRange. The Range returned by this method will be applied to the chart on render  
Protected MethodOverridden. Overridden by derived types, called when the parent SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface requests a YAxis VisibleRange. The Range returned by this method will be applied to the chart on render  
Protected MethodRaises the InvalidateParentSurface event. (Inherited from SciChart.Charting.ViewportManagers.ViewportManagerBase)
Extension Methods
Public Extension Method Notifies that finalizer has been invoked
Public Extension MethodOverloaded. Converts an System.IComparable array to double array
Public Extension MethodYields a single item, converting it to System.Collections.IEnumerable.
Public Extension Method
See Also