SciChart WPF 2D Charts > MVVM API > MVVM Axis API

In addition to the SeriesBinding MarkupExtension for binding a SciChartSurface to a collection of Viewmodels representing chart series, SciChart also features the AxesBinding MarkupExtension: for binding to a collection of AxisViewModels.

To use this API, do the following:

AxisBinding View
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 <s:SciChartSurface YAxes="{s:AxesBinding YAxes}"
                    XAxes="{s:AxesBinding XAxes}">


Now in the ViewModel we need collections for the YAxes and XAxes. We update our MainViewModel like this:

AxisBinding ViewModel
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public class MainViewModel : BindableObject
    private ObservableCollection<IAxisViewModel> _yAxes = new ObservableCollection<IAxisViewModel>();
    private ObservableCollection<IAxisViewModel> _xAxes = new ObservableCollection<IAxisViewModel>();
    public MainViewModel()
        YAxes.Add(new NumericAxisViewModel()
            AutoRange = AutoRange.Always,
            AxisTitle = "Left YAxis",
            Id = "LeftYAxis",
            AxisAlignment = AxisAlignment.Left,
        YAxes.Add(new NumericAxisViewModel()
            AutoRange = AutoRange.Always,
            AxisTitle = "Right YAxis",
            AxisAlignment = AxisAlignment.Right,
        XAxes.Add(new NumericAxisViewModel()
            AutoRange = AutoRange.Always,
            AxisTitle = "XAxis",
            AxisAlignment = AxisAlignment.Bottom,
    public ObservableCollection<IAxisViewModel> YAxes {  get { return _yAxes; } }
    public ObservableCollection<IAxisViewModel> XAxes { get { return _xAxes; } }


Applying styles to Axis

Axis may be styled using a similar technique to the one presented for RenderableSeries. Simply declare a Style in XAML with a stylekey and set AxisBaseViewModel.StyleKey property.


Declaring Custom Axis with MVVM

Similar to Series, you can declare a custom class inheriting AxisBaseViewModel. Next override the ViewType property to declare the type of Axis to create when this ViewModel is discovered. Finally, make sure you declare a style in your view based on our default styles to apply to it.


Multi-Axis Charts

In SciChart, it is required that each Axis in a corresponding Axis Collection has a unique identifier. This is a string that can be provided via the IAxisViewModel.Id property. By default, all axes have a default Axis ID.

For single-axis charts there is no need to set Axis Id. As soon as there is a secondary Axis, you need to start assigning IDs to all Axes in the corresponding Axis Collection.

In such multiple-axis scenarios, some SciChart types such as Renderable Series, Annotations, Chart Modifiers can be associated with a certain Axis. Their API usually exposes XAxisId and YAxisId properties that can be used to associate this type with a specific X or Y Axis.

NOTE: By default, these SciChart types are associated with X and Y Axes that have the default axis ID. As soon as you set IAxisViewModel.Id on an Axis explicitly you must consider whether you need to update your Renderable Series, Annotations or Chart Modifiers by setting the XAxisId or YAxisId properties.

Further Reading

For further reading on how to use the Axis MVVM API, as well as a code sample, see our Adding Multiple Axis in MVVM Tutorial.