SciChart WPF 2D Charts > 2D Chart Types > RenderableSeries APIs - Paletted Series
RenderableSeries APIs - Paletted Series

SciChart features the ability to change color on a point-by-point basis, using the PaletteProvider feature.


Many series types support PaletteProvider, including:

To enable the paletting feature, you need to create a class which inherits IStrokePaletteProvider or IFillPaletteProvider, or IPointMarkerPaletteProvider, and assign or bind to the BaseRenderableSeries.PaletteProvider property.

IStrokePaletteProvider interface

The IStrokePaletteProvider interface is defined as follows:

IStrokePaletteProvider interface
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/// <summary>
/// Defines the interface to a PaletteProvider. By implementing this interface, you can
/// override the stroke color on a <see cref="BaseRenderableSeries"/>
/// by setting or binding to the <see cref="BaseRenderableSeries.PaletteProvider"/>
/// property.
/// </summary>
public interface IStrokePaletteProvider : IPaletteProvider
   /// <summary>
   /// Overrides the color of the outline on the attached <see cref="IRenderableSeries" />.
   /// Return null to keep the default series color.
   /// Return a value to override the series color.
   /// </summary>
   /// <param name="series">The source <see cref="IRenderableSeries" />.</param>
   /// <param name="index">The index of the point.</param>
   /// <param name="metadata">The metadata of the point.</param>
   Color? OverrideStrokeColor(IRenderableSeries series, int index,
                               IPointMetadata metadata);

// Where ...

/// <summary>
/// Defines the most common interface to a PaletteProvider.
/// </summary>
public interface IPaletteProvider
   /// <summary>
   /// Called at the start of an renderable series rendering, before the
   /// current draw operation.
   /// </summary>
   /// <param name="series"></param>
       void OnBeginSeriesDraw(IRenderableSeries series);

IFillPaletteProvider Interface

The IFillPaletteProvider interface is defined as follows:

IFillPaletteProvider Interface
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/// <summary>
/// Defines the interface to a PaletteProvider. By implementing this interface,
/// you can override the stroke color on a <see cref="BaseRenderableSeries"/>
/// by setting or binding to the <see cref="BaseRenderableSeries.PaletteProvider"/>
/// property.
/// </summary>
public interface IFillPaletteProvider : IPaletteProvider
   /// <summary>
   /// Overrides the fill brush of the attached <see cref="BaseRenderableSeries" />.
   /// Return null to keep the default series fill.
   /// Return a value to override the series fill.
   /// </summary>
   /// <param name="series">The source <see cref="BaseRenderableSeries" />.</param>
   /// <param name="index">The index of the point.</param>
   /// <param name="metadata">The metadata of the point.</param>
   Brush OverrideFill(IRenderableSeries series, int index, IPointMetadata metadata);


Where IPaletteProvider is defined above.

IPointMarkerPaletteProvider Interface

The IPointMarkerPaletteProvider interface is defined as follows:

IPointMarkerPaletteProvider Interface
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/// <summary>
/// Defines the interface to a PaletteProvider. By implementing this interface, you can
/// override the Fill and Stroke color of <see cref="BaseRenderableSeries.PointMarker"/>
/// by setting or binding to the <see cref="BaseRenderableSeries.PaletteProvider"/>
/// property.
/// </summary>
public interface IPointMarkerPaletteProvider : IPaletteProvider
    /// <summary>
    /// Overrides the color of the PointMarkers on the attached
    /// <see cref="IRenderableSeries" />.
    /// Return <value>Null</value> to keep the default <see cref="IPointMarker.Stroke"/>
    /// and <see cref="IPointMarker.Fill"/>.
    /// Set either <see cref="PointPaletteInfo.Stroke"/> or
    /// <see cref="PointPaletteInfo.Fill"/>
    /// to override <see cref="IPointMarker.Stroke"/> or <see cref="IPointMarker.Fill"/>
    /// correspondingly.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="series">The source <see cref="IRenderableSeries" />.</param>
    /// <param name="index">The index of the point.</param>
    /// <param name="metadata">The metadata of the point.</param>
    PointPaletteInfo? OverridePointMarker(IRenderableSeries series, int index,
                              IPointMetadata metadata);

Where IPaletteProvider is defined above.

Worked Example: Attaching a PaletteProvider to a Line Series

A worked example of applying an IStrokePaletteProvider to a FastLineRenderableSeries can be found below:

Attaching a PaletteProvider to a Line Series
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// Custom PaletteProvider
public class MyLinePaletteProvier : IStrokePaletteProvider
       private XyDataSeries<double, double> _theSourceData;

       public void OnBeginSeriesDraw(IRenderableSeries series)
             // OnBeginSeriesDraw is a good place to cache dataseries
             _theSourceData = (XyDataSeries<double, double>) series.DataSeries;

       public Color? OverrideStrokeColor(IRenderableSeries series, int index, IPointMetadata metadata)
             // Called for every data-point to draw
             // you can access data from series.DataSeries.XValues and YValues
             // the index is the index to the data
             // the metadata is an optional object you can pass in to DataSeries if you want
             // remember to cast it!

             // If Y>0.5, draw green
             if (_theSourceData.YValues[index] > 0.5)
                    return Colors.Green;
             // If Y>0.2, draw Orange
             else if (_theSourceData.YValues[index] > 0.2)
                    return Colors.Orange;
             // If Y>0.0 draw Red
             else if (_theSourceData.YValues[index] > 0.0)
                    return Colors.Red;
             // Else, use series default stroke
                    return null; // default line stroke


Attaching a PaletteProvider to a Line Series
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<!--  Create the chart surface  -->
             <local:MyLinePaletteProvider x:Key="MyLinePaletteProvider"/>

       <!--  Declare RenderableSeries  -->
             <s:FastLineRenderableSeries x:Name="lineRenderSeries"
                           PaletteProvider="{StaticResource MyLinePaletteProvider}"/>

Worked Example: Attaching a PaletteProvider to a Mountain, Candlestick, Column or Ohlc Series

A worked example of applying an IFillPaletteProviderIStrokePaletteProvider to a FastMountainRenderableSeries can be found below. The same interfaces (IFillPaletteProviderIStrokePaletteProvider) can also be used on FastCandlestickRenderableSeriesFastColumnRenderableSeries.

Applying a PaletteProvider to a FastMountainRenderableSeries

Applying a PaletteProvider to FastCandlestickRenderableSeries

Applying a PaletteProvider to a FastColumnRenderableSeries

Applying a PaletteProvider to a FastOhlcRenderableSeries


Stroke and Fill of the above renderable series can be styled individually. Returning null for either stroke, or fill, or both, causes the default series values to be used.

Attaching a PaletteProvider to a Mountain, Candlestick, Column or Ohlc Series
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// Custom PaletteProvider
// For Mountain, Column and Candlestick series you must implement IStrokePaletteProvider
// and IFillPaletteProvider
public class MyFillPaletteProvider : IStrokePaletteProvider, IFillPaletteProvider
    private XyDataSeries<DateTime, double> _theSourceData;

    public void OnBeginSeriesDraw(IRenderableSeries series)
        // OnBeginSeriesDraw is a good place to cache dataseries
        _theSourceData = (XyDataSeries<DateTime, double>)series.DataSeries;

    public Brush OverrideFill(IRenderableSeries series, int index, IPointMetadata metadata)
        // Extra credit. Cache the brushes to avoid recreating them each time
        var color = OverrideStrokeColor(series, index, metadata);
        return color.HasValue ? new SolidColorBrush(color.Value) : null;

    public Color? OverrideStrokeColor(IRenderableSeries series, int index, IPointMetadata metadata)
        // Called for every data-point to draw
        // you can access data from series.DataSeries.XValues and YValues
        // the index is the index to the data
        // the metadata is an optional object you can pass in to DataSeries if you want
        // remember to cast it!

        // If Y>0.5, draw green
        if (_theSourceData.YValues[index] > 12000)
            return Colors.Green;
        // If Y>0.2, draw Orange
        else if (_theSourceData.YValues[index] > 11000)
            return Colors.Orange;
        // If Y>0.0 draw Red
        else if (_theSourceData.YValues[index] > 10000)
            return Colors.Red;
        // Else, use series default stroke
            return null; // default line stroke



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<!--  Create the chart surface  -->
             <local:MyFillPaletteProvider x:Key="pp"/>

       <!--  Declare RenderableSeries  -->
             <s:FastMountainRenderableSeries x:Name="mountainRenderSeries"
                           PaletteProvider="{StaticResource pp}"/>

Worked Example: Attaching a PaletteProvider to a Scatter-Line or Scatter Series

In order to color scatter points (BasePointMarker derived types) individually, you will need to implement IPointMarkerPaletteProvider.

Stroke and Fill of the PointMarkers can be styled individually. Returning null for either Stroke, or Fill, or the result causes the default PointMarker values to be used.

Applying an IPointMarkerPaletteProvider to any series with a PointMarker, e.g. XyScatterRenderableSeries



Attaching a PaletteProvider to a Scatter-Line or Scatter Series
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// Custom IPointMarkerPaletteProvider
// For series with PointMarkers, you must implement IPointMarkerPaletteProvider
public class MyPointMarkerPaletteProvider : IPointMarkerPaletteProvider
       private XyDataSeries<double, double> _theSourceData;

       public void OnBeginSeriesDraw(IRenderableSeries series)
             // OnBeginSeriesDraw is a good place to cache dataseries
             _theSourceData = (XyDataSeries<double, double>)series.DataSeries;

       public PointPaletteInfo? OverridePointMarker(IRenderableSeries series, int index, IPointMetadata metadata)
             // Called for every data-point to draw
             // you can access data from series.DataSeries.XValues and YValues
             // the index is the index to the data
             // the metadata is an optional object you can pass in to DataSeries
             // remember to cast it!

             // If Y>0.5, draw green
             if (_theSourceData.YValues[index] > 0.5)
                    return new PointPaletteInfo()
                           Fill = Colors.Green,
                           Stroke = Colors.Green,
             // If Y>0.2, draw Orange
             else if (_theSourceData.YValues[index] > 0.0)
                    return new PointPaletteInfo()
                           Fill = Colors.Orange,
                           Stroke = Colors.Orange,
             // If Y>0.0 draw Red
             else if (_theSourceData.YValues[index] < -0.5)
                    return new PointPaletteInfo()
                           Fill = Colors.Red,
                           Stroke = Colors.Red,
             // Else, use series default stroke
                    return null; // default line stroke


See Also

Renderable Series APIs