SciChart WPF 2D Charts > 2D Chart Types > The Box Plots Type
The Box Plots Type

Box Plots or Statistical Plots are provided by the FastBoxPlotRenderableSeries type. This accepts data from a BoxPlotDataSeries and renders the body, median, upper and lower as follows:

Examples for the Box Plot Chart can be found in the SciChart WPF Examples Suite which can be downloaded from the SciChart Website or our SciChart.WPF.Examples Github Repository.

NOTE: For info about BoxPlotDataSeries, as well as other DataSeries types in SciChart, see DataSeries API

To declare a FastBoxPlotRenderableSeries, use the following code:

Declare a FastBoxPlotRenderableSeries in Xaml / Code Behind

Declare a FastBoxPlotRenderableSeries
Copy Code
<!-- where xmlns:s="" -->

             <s:FastBoxPlotRenderableSeries x:Name="rSeries" Stroke="SteelBlue">
                           <LinearGradientBrush  StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="0.5,1">
                                  <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="White"/>
                                  <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="LightSteelBlue"/>

    <!--  XAxis, YAxis omitted for brevity  -->

// Code Behind, e.g. in OnLoaded event handler, set the DataSeries
var boxPlotDataSeries = new BoxPlotDataSeries<double, double>();

// Assuming X,Y values have been declared as lists of doubles
boxPlotDataSeries.Append(xValues, medianValues, minimumValues, lowerQuartileValues, upperQuartileValues, maximumValues);

rSeries.DataSeries = boxPlotDataSeries;

Declare a FastBoxPlotRenderableSeries in Pure Code

Declare a FastBoxPlotRenderableSeries
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// Declare the scichartsurface
var sciChartSurface = new SciChartSurface();
// ...
// Declare and add a Error Bars Series
var rSeries = new FastBoxPlotRenderableSeries()
    Stroke = Colors.SteelBlue,
    BodyBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightSteelBlue),
    AntiAliasing = true,
    DataPointWidth = 0.8,
    StrokeThickness = 1,
// Set some data
var boxPlotDataSeries = new BoxPlotDataSeries<double, double>();
// Assuming X,Y values have been declared as lists of doubles
boxPlotDataSeries.Append(xValues, medianValues, minimumValues, lowerQuartileValues, upperQuartileValues, maximumValues);

rSeries.DataSeries = boxPlotDataSeries;


NOTE: You can also declare RenderableSeries using full MVVM (series ViewModels). Please see MVVM DataSeries / RenderableSeries API for more details.