SciChart WPF 2D Charts > Tutorials > Code-Behind > Tutorial 08 - Adding Multiple Axis
Tutorial 08 - Adding Multiple Axis

In our series of tutorials, so far all the charts have had one XAxis and one YAxis.

Source code for this tutorial can be found at our SciChart.WPF.Examples Github Repository under Tutorials section.

SciChart supports unlimited, multiple X, and Y Axis on the left, right, bottom and top of the chart. You can change Axis alignment, rotate charts, and mix axis (have both XAxis/YAxis on the left). The possibilities are literally endless!

In this tutorial, we are going to add a second YAxis to the chart. We are going to show how to register annotations and line series on the second axis. We are also going to show how to ensure Axis drag behaviors work on both axis.


If you haven't already you will need to review the following tutorials, as we're working straight from these:

Or, if you're in a hurry, take the code from the end of 'Adding Annotations' and let's get started.

Adding a Second YAxis

The API to add a second YAxis is as follows:

Before - a Single YAxis
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    <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="Value" GrowBy="0.1,0.1" VisibleRange="-1.1, 1.1"/>
After - Multiple YAxis
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    <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="Value" GrowBy="0.1,0.1" VisibleRange="-1.1, 1.1"/>
    <s:NumericAxis Id="Axis2"
                   AxisTitle="Secondary" GrowBy="0.1,0.1"
                   VisibleRange="-2.0, 2.0"

If you run the application now, you should see a YAxis on the left:

Registering RenderableSeries on the second YAxis

We want to now reigster one of the series on the left YAxis. To do this, we set RenderableSeries.YAxisId = Axis.Id.

By default all axis have a default axis ID. In single axis systems there is no need to set an AxisId in scichart. As soon as you have a secondary axis, you need to start setting Axis Ids.

Change just the BaseRenderableSeries.YAxisId on the scatter series in XAML and restart the application:

Example Title
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<!-- Change XyScatterRenderableSeries.YAxisid -->
<s:XyScatterRenderableSeries x:Name="ScatterSeries" YAxisId="Axis2">
<!-- to match the second YAxis.Id -->
    <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="Value" GrowBy="0.1,0.1" VisibleRange="-1.1, 1.1"/>
    <s:NumericAxis Id="Axis2"
                   AxisTitle="Secondary" GrowBy="0.1,0.1"
                   VisibleRange="-2.0, 2.0"

Run the application and you will now notice that the Scatter series has been scaled to half the size. This is because the Secondary YAxis has a VisibleRange of -2, +2 but the series data still has values in the range -1, +1.

Registering Annotations on the Secondary YAxis

Annotations also need to be registered on a YAxis and XAxis. By default the AnnotationBase.XAxisId and AnnotationBase.YAxisId matches the AxisBase.DefaultAxisId.

As soon as you change an Axis.Id you need to consider whether you need to update the XAxisId or YAxisId properties on RenderableSeries, ChartModifiers or Annotations.

Change the code where you add Annotaitons to the chart as follows:

Adding Annotations with YAxisId
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sciChartSurface.Annotations.Add(new InfoAnnotation()
    X1 = i,
    Y1 = 0.0,
    YAxisId = i % 200 == 0 ? AxisBase.DefaultAxisId : "Axis2"

We're adding an annotation every 100 datapoints. Every alternate annotation we now change the YAxisId between AxisBase.DefaultAxisId or "Axis2" - the Id of the secondary YAxis.

Now run the application:

If you drag the left YAxis up and down, vs. drag the right YAxis up and down, you can see now which series and annotations are registered on which YAxis.

Further Reading