Color and Contrast
Since colors and theming are most likely to be custom for each customer, we don't provide out of the box light and dark theme handling (nor special theme for High Contrast).
But that's easily achievable by using one of the provided themes, or creating a custom one.
Default Themes
By default SciChart uses SciChartJSDarkv2Theme. Also SciChart exposes SciChartJSDarkTheme and SciChartJSLightTheme.
In this example we will show how to set a desired theme depending on user theme settings.
Setting a Theme |
Copy Code
import { SciChartJSDarkTheme } from 'scichart/Charting/Themes/SciChartJSDarkTheme'; import { SciChartJSLightTheme } from 'scichart/Charting/Themes/SciChartJSLightTheme'; // ... const isDarkThemeSelected = window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches; const newColorScheme = isDarkThemeSelected ? new SciChartJSDarkTheme() : new SciChartJSLightTheme(); sciChartSurface.applyTheme(newColorScheme); |
The snippet above should set the light or dark theme depending on user preferences.
It's easy to handle the theme change:
Now the chart will detect user dark/light theme preference updates and will use an appropriate theme.
Custom Themes
Refer to Chart Styling - Creating a Custom Theme.
See Also