Per-Point Colouring of Candlestick / OHLC Charts
Candlestick series can be colored per-point or per line-segment using the PaletteProvider API. To use this, we must create a class (typescript) or object (javascript) which implements or confirms to the IStrokePaletteProvider and IFillPaletteProvider interfaces. Then, apply this to the FastCandlestickRenderableSeries.paletteProvider property. This allows you to colour data-points based on values, or custom rules with infinite extensiblity.
First let's create the PaletteProvider class.
Next, apply the PaletteProvider to the Candlestick series.
The code above results in the following output.
<div id="scichart-root" ></div>
body { margin: 0; } #scichart-root { width: 100%; height: 100vh; }
const getCandles = async ( symbol, interval, limit = 300 ) => { let url = `${symbol}&interval=${interval}`; if (limit) { url += `&limit=${limit}`; } try { console.log(`SimpleBinanceClient: Fetching ${limit} candles of ${symbol} ${interval}`); const response = await fetch(url); // Returned data format is [ { date, open, high, low, close, volume }, ... ] const data = await response.json(); // Map to { dateValues[], openValues[], highValues[], lowValues[], closeValues[] } expected by scichart.js const dateValues = []; const openValues = []; const highValues = []; const lowValues = []; const closeValues = []; const volumeValues = []; data.forEach(candle => { const [timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume] = candle; dateValues.push(timestamp / 1000); // SciChart expects Unix Timestamp / 1000 openValues.push(parseFloat(open)); highValues.push(parseFloat(high)); lowValues.push(parseFloat(low)); closeValues.push(parseFloat(close)); volumeValues.push(parseFloat(volume)); }); return { dateValues, openValues, highValues, lowValues, closeValues, volumeValues }; } catch (err) { console.error(err); return []; } }; // #region ExampleA const { DefaultPaletteProvider, parseColorToUIntArgb } = SciChart; // Create a class which inherits DefaultPaletteProvider class CandlePaletteProvider extends DefaultPaletteProvider { constructor() { super(); this.highlightColor = parseColorToUIntArgb("#FEFEFE"); } // Override onAttached to get the parent FastCandlestickRenderableSeries onAttached(parentSeries) { this.parentSeries = parentSeries; } // This function is called for every data-point // Return undefined to use the default color for the fill, else, return // a custom color as ARGB color code e.g. 0xFFFF0000 is red overrideFillArgb(xValue, yValue, index, opacity, metadata) { return this.overrideColorAt(index, this.parentSeries.dataSeries); } overrideStrokeArgb(xValue, yValue, index, opacity, metadata) { return this.overrideColorAt(index, this.parentSeries.dataSeries); } overrideColorAt(index, ohlcDataSeries) { // Get the open, close values const close = ohlcDataSeries.getNativeCloseValues().get(index); const open = ohlcDataSeries.getNativeOpenValues().get(index); // If more than 1% change, return 'highlightColor' otherwise return undefined for default color if (Math.abs(1 - (open / close)) > 0.01) { return this.highlightColor; } return undefined; } } // #endregion async function candlestickAndVolumeChart(divElementId) { // Demonstrates how to create a Candlestick chart with SciChart.js const { SciChartSurface, CategoryAxis, NumericAxis, FastCandlestickRenderableSeries, FastColumnRenderableSeries, XyDataSeries, OhlcDataSeries, NumberRange, SciChartJsNavyTheme } = SciChart; // or, for npm, import { SciChartSurface, ... } from "scichart" const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create(divElementId, { theme: new SciChartJsNavyTheme() }); sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(new CategoryAxis(wasmContext)); sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { labelPrefix: "$", labelPrecision: 2 })); // Add a secondary axis for the volume bars sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { id: "VolumeAxisId", isVisible: false, growBy: new NumberRange(0, 4) })); // Fetch data. Format is { dates[], opens[], highs[], lows[], closes[], volumes[] } const { dateValues, openValues, highValues, lowValues, closeValues, volumeValues } = await getCandles("BTCUSDT", "4h", 70); // Add a column series to render the volume bars sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(new FastColumnRenderableSeries(wasmContext, { dataSeries: new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues: dateValues, yValues: volumeValues }), yAxisId: "VolumeAxisId", strokeThickness: 0, dataPointWidth: 0.7, opacity: 0.47, })); // #region ExampleB const candlestickSeries = new FastCandlestickRenderableSeries(wasmContext, { dataSeries: new OhlcDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues: dateValues, openValues, highValues, lowValues, closeValues, }), strokeThickness: 1, dataPointWidth: 0.7, brushUp: "#33ff3377", brushDown: "#ff333377", strokeUp: "#77ff77", strokeDown: "#ff7777", // Attach a paletteprovider here. Candles with > 1% range will be highlighted paletteProvider: new CandlePaletteProvider() }); sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(candlestickSeries); // #endregion // add interactivity for the example const { MouseWheelZoomModifier, ZoomPanModifier, ZoomExtentsModifier } = SciChart; sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier({ excludedYAxisIds: ["VolumeAxisId"]})); sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomPanModifier({ excludedYAxisIds: ["VolumeAxisId"]})); sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomExtentsModifier()); }; candlestickAndVolumeChart("scichart-root"); async function builderExample(divElementId) { // Demonstrates how to create a line chart with SciChart.js using the Builder API const { chartBuilder, ESeriesType, EAxisType, EThemeProviderType, NumberRange, EBaseType, EPaletteProviderType } = SciChart; // or, for npm, import { chartBuilder, ... } from "scichart" // Data format is { dateValues[], openValues[], highValues[], lowValues[], closeValues[] } const { dateValues, openValues, highValues, lowValues, closeValues, volumeValues } = await getCandles("BTCUSDT", "1h", 100); // #region ExampleC // Register the custom CandlestickPaletteProvider with the chartBuilder chartBuilder.registerType(EBaseType.PaletteProvider, "CandlePaletteProvider", () => new CandlePaletteProvider()); const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await chartBuilder.build2DChart(divElementId, { surface: { theme: { type: EThemeProviderType.Dark } }, xAxes: [{ type: EAxisType.CategoryAxis }], yAxes: [ { type: EAxisType.NumericAxis, options: { labelPrefix: "$", labelPrecision: 2 } }, { type: EAxisType.NumericAxis, options: { isVisible: false, id: "VolumeAxisId", growBy: new NumberRange(0, 4) } }, ], series: [ { type: ESeriesType.CandlestickSeries, ohlcData: { xValues: dateValues, openValues, highValues, lowValues, closeValues }, options: { dataPointWidth: 0.7, brushUp: "#33ff3377", brushDown: "#ff333377", strokeUp: "#77ff77", strokeDown: "#ff7777", strokeThickness: 1, // Apply the PaletteProvider to the candlestick series paletteProvider: { type: EPaletteProviderType.Custom, customType: "CandlePaletteProvider", } } }, { type: ESeriesType.ColumnSeries, xyData: { xValues: dateValues, yValues: volumeValues, }, options: { yAxisId: "VolumeAxisId", strokeThickness: 0, dataPointWidth: 0.7, opacity: 0.47 } } ] }); // #endregion }; // Uncomment this to use the builder example //builderExample("scichart-root");
When the open - close is greater than a 1% range, the candle fill is coloured white.
Using this or similar logic you can add an extra-dimension of data to JavaScript Candlestick charts.
Applying PaletteProviders to OHLC Series
The same technique can be applied to OHLC Bars. Just make sure when creating a class that inherits DefaultPaletteProvide that the overrideStrokeArgb function is defined. As usual, return a color in ARGB format to override this point stroke, else, return undefined for default stroke.