Pretty much everything in SciChart now has a toJSON method that will return the definition form of that object, usually as {type, options}. When you call JSON.stringify on an object, toJSON will be called automatically.
By default, any data set on the chart will be included in the definition. If you want to exclude it, you need to call toJSON directly, which for the SciChartSurface and renderableSeries has an excludeData parameter. Then stringify the result.
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const definition = sciChartSurface.toJSON(true);
const json = JSON.stringify(definition);
When handling incoming JSON, you may want to parse the string to a definition object, in order to combine it with something (usually data) before using it to build the chart. To do this you MUST use the chartReviver on chartBuilder:
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import { chartBuilder } from "scichart/Builder/chartBuilder";
const definition = JSON.parse(json, chartBuilder.chartReviver);
const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await chartBuilder.build2DChart(divElementId, definition);
All of the Builder API functions for building parts of charts can take JSON strings or a definition object.
Try this code and this JSON to see the output in SciChart.js
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import { chartBuilder } from "scichart/Builder/chartBuilder"; import { ESeriesType } from "scichart/types/SeriesType"; import { EChart2DModifierType } from "scichart/types/ChartModifierType"; import { ISciChart2DDefinition } from "scichart/Builder/buildSurface"; export async function drawAndSerializeChart(divElementId) { const { sciChartSurface } = await chartBuilder.build2DChart(divElementId, { series: { type: ESeriesType.LineSeries, xyData: { xValues: [1, 3, 4, 7, 9], yValues: [10, 6, 7, 2, 16] } } }); const definition = sciChartSurface.toJSON(true); const json = JSON.stringify(definition); console.log("json definition: "); console.log(json); } export async function deserializeAndDrawChart(divElementId) { const jsonDefinition = { "surface": { "canvasBorder": { "color": "#00000000" }, "layoutManager": { "type": "Default" }, "padding": { "top": 10, "right": 10, "bottom": 10, "left": 10 }, "theme": { "type": "Dark" }, "viewportBorder": { "color": "#00000000" } }, "xAxes": [ { "type": "NumericAxis", "options": { "autoRange": "Once", "autoTicks": true, "axisAlignment": "Bottom", "axisBandsFill": "#20212333", "axisBorder": { "borderBottom": 0, "borderLeft": 0, "borderRight": 0, "borderTop": 0, "color": "#00000000", "border": 0 }, "axisTitleStyle": { "fontSize": 24, "fontFamily": "Arial", "color": "#C8C7C3FF", "fontStyle": "normal", "fontWeight": "normal", "padding": { "top": 6, "right": 6, "bottom": 6, "left": 6 } }, "drawLabels": true, "drawMajorBands": true, "drawMajorGridLines": true, "drawMajorTickLines": true, "drawMinorGridLines": true, "drawMinorTickLines": true, "flippedCoordinates": false, "id": "DefaultAxisId", "isInnerAxis": false, "isVisible": true, "labelStyle": { "fontSize": 14, "fontFamily": "Arial", "color": "#A6A7ACFF", "fontWeight": "normal", "fontStyle": "normal", "padding": { "top": 1, "right": 4, "bottom": 1, "left": 4 }, "alignment": "Auto" }, "majorGridLineStyle": { "strokeThickness": 1, "color": "#AAAAAA37" }, "majorTickLineStyle": { "tickSize": 5, "strokeThickness": 1, "color": "#AAAAAA37" }, "maxAutoTicks": 10, "minorGridLineStyle": { "strokeThickness": 1, "color": "#77777719" }, "minorTickLineStyle": { "tickSize": 3, "strokeThickness": 1, "color": "#77777719" }, "minorsPerMajor": 5 } } ], "yAxes": [ { "type": "NumericAxis", "options": { "autoRange": "Once", "autoTicks": true, "axisAlignment": "Right", "axisBandsFill": "#20212333", "axisBorder": { "borderBottom": 0, "borderLeft": 0, "borderRight": 0, "borderTop": 0, "color": "#00000000", "border": 0 }, "axisTitleStyle": { "fontSize": 24, "fontFamily": "Arial", "color": "#C8C7C3FF", "fontStyle": "normal", "fontWeight": "normal", "padding": { "top": 6, "right": 6, "bottom": 6, "left": 6 } }, "drawLabels": true, "drawMajorBands": true, "drawMajorGridLines": true, "drawMajorTickLines": true, "drawMinorGridLines": true, "drawMinorTickLines": true, "flippedCoordinates": false, "id": "DefaultAxisId", "isInnerAxis": false, "isVisible": true, "labelStyle": { "fontSize": 14, "fontFamily": "Arial", "color": "#A6A7ACFF", "fontWeight": "normal", "fontStyle": "normal", "padding": { "top": 1, "right": 4, "bottom": 1, "left": 4 }, "alignment": "Auto" }, "majorGridLineStyle": { "strokeThickness": 1, "color": "#AAAAAA37" }, "majorTickLineStyle": { "tickSize": 5, "strokeThickness": 1, "color": "#AAAAAA37" }, "maxAutoTicks": 10, "minorGridLineStyle": { "strokeThickness": 1, "color": "#77777719" }, "minorTickLineStyle": { "tickSize": 3, "strokeThickness": 1, "color": "#77777719" }, "minorsPerMajor": 5 } } ], "series": [ { "type": "LineSeries", "options": { "id": "2a152f26-3248-474a-8040-203337f2f670", "drawNaNAs": 1, "isDigitalLine": false, "isHovered": false, "isSelected": false, "isVisible": true, "opacity": 1, "stroke": "#C6E6FFFF", "strokeThickness": 2, "xAxisId": "DefaultAxisId", "yAxisId": "DefaultAxisId" }, "xyData": { "containsNaN": true, "dataIsSortedInX": true } } ], "modifiers": [], "annotations": [] }; const definition = JSON.parse(json, chartBuilder.chartReviver); definition.modifiers = [{ type: EChart2DModifierType.Rollover }]; return chartBuilder.build2DChart(divElementId, definition); } |
You can generate JSON chart definitions as well using the SciChart.js library. For example if you wanted to define a chart definition on the server and send this over to a client as JSON it's possible to do this.
For more information and a workable example, try the Chart Serialization demo on our JavaScript Chart Examples