SciChart.js JavaScript 2D Charts API > Annotations API > VerticalLineAnnotation

The VerticalLineAnnotation allows to draw a vertical line between Y1, Y2 coordinates at X1.

Declaring a VerticalLineAnnotation in code

The following code will declare a VerticalLineAnnotation and add it to the chart.

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import {
          SciChartSurface ,
          NumericAxis ,
          NumberRange ,
} from "SciChart";

// Create a SciChartSurface
const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(divElementId);
// Create an XAxis and YAxis
const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
xAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(0, 10);
const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
yAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(0, 10);
    // Vertically line stretched across the viewport
    new VerticalLineAnnotation({
        labelPlacement: ELabelPlacement.Axis,
        showLabel: true,
        stroke: "Red",
        strokeThickness: 2,
        x1: 9,
        axisLabelFill: "Red",

This results in the following output:

Changing Label Position or Label Value

The label may be placed on the line, or on the axis. Placemement of the label is controlled by the VerticalLineAnnotation.labelPlacement property, which expects an ELabelPlacement enum.

Valid settings are Axis, BottomBottomLeft, BottomRight, Top, TopLeft, TopRight, Left and Right.

For example, setting labelPlacement to ELabelPlacement.TopRight:

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import { SciChartSurface } from "scichart";
import { NumericAxis } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/NumericAxis";
import { NumberRange } from "scichart/Core/NumberRange";
import { ELabelPlacement } from "scichart/types/LabelPlacement";
import { VerticalLineAnnotation } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Annotations/VerticalLineAnnotation";
// Create a SciChartSurface
const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(divElementId);
// Create an XAxis and YAxis
const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
xAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(0, 10);
const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
yAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(0, 10);
    // Vertically line stretched across the viewport
    new VerticalLineAnnotation({
        labelPlacement: ELabelPlacement.TopRight,
        showLabel: true,
        stroke: "Red",
        strokeThickness: 2,
        x1: 9,
        axisLabelFill: "Red",
        axisFontSize: 20,

Results in the label being placed on the top right of the line.

Tip! Labels on VerticalLineAnnotations may be placed on the Axis, or at BottomBottomLeft, BottomRight, Top, TopLeft, TopRight, Left or Right of the line.

VerticalAlignment Stretch and Partially Drawn Lines

VerticalLineAnnotations may be drawn to stretch vertically across the viewport, or to a specific Y-value. To truncate a VerticalLineAnnotation simply specify a y1 coordinate.

For example, the two options are shown below in code:

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import { SciChartSurface } from "scichart";
import { NumericAxis } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/NumericAxis";
import { NumberRange } from "scichart/Core/NumberRange";
import { ELabelPlacement } from "scichart/types/LabelPlacement";
import { VerticalLineAnnotation } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Annotations/VerticalLineAnnotation";
// Create a SciChartSurface
const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(divElementId);
// Create an XAxis and YAxis
const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
xAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(0, 10);
const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
yAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(0, 10);
    // Vertically line stretched across the viewport
    new VerticalLineAnnotation({
        labelPlacement: ELabelPlacement.Axis,
        showLabel: true,
        stroke: "SteelBlue",
        strokeThickness: 2,
        x1: 9,
        axisLabelFill: "SteelBlue",
        axisFontSize: 20,
    // VerticalLineAnnotation truncates at Y=4
    new VerticalLineAnnotation({
        showLabel: true,
        stroke: "Orange",
        strokeThickness: 2,
        x1: 6,
        y1: 4,
        axisLabelFill: "Orange",
        axisFontSize: 20,

Result in this output.


Styling the VerticalLineAnnotation

The following properties can be set to style the verticalLineAnnotation:

Property Description
labelPlacement An enumeration defining where the vertical line label is placed. Default is on axis.
labelValue The label value. By default this will equal the x1 value with text formatting applied by the axis. However it can be overridden to any string
showLabel When true, a label is shown
stroke The stroke color of the vertical line
strokeThickness The stroke thickness of the vertical line
axisLabelFill The box fill color for the axis label
axisLabelStroke The text-color for the axis label
axisFontFamily The font family for the axis label text
axisFontSize The font size for the axis label text


See Also