  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Used internally - a drawing provider performs drawing for a specific chart-type or series using our WebAssembly WebGL rendering engine

Type parameters





Protected constructor


Protected palettingState

palettingState: TPalettingState

The Colour Paletting State object.

Protected parentSeries

parentSeries: T

The Parent RenderableSeries

Protected webAssemblyContext

webAssemblyContext: TSciChart

The SciChart 2D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods

Protected xSelector

xSelector: (ds: IPointSeries) => SCRTDoubleVector

Type declaration

Protected ySelector

ySelector: (ds: IPointSeries) => SCRTDoubleVector

Type declaration



  • applyStrokeFillPaletting(stroke: string, strokePen: ISCRTPen | undefined, fill: string, fillBrush: ISCRTBrush | undefined, opacity: number, usePalette?: boolean, resetPenBrushColors?: boolean, renderPassData?: RenderPassData): void
  • Parameters

    • stroke: string
    • strokePen: ISCRTPen | undefined
    • fill: string
    • fillBrush: ISCRTBrush | undefined
    • opacity: number
    • Default value usePalette: boolean = false
    • Default value resetPenBrushColors: boolean = true
    • Optional renderPassData: RenderPassData

    Returns void


  • applyStrokePaletting(strokePen: ISCRTPen, renderPassData?: RenderPassData): void
  • Helper function to apply color-paletting to a {@link UIntVector} - where each element in the vector is an ARGB color that defines stroke of the series


    • strokePen: ISCRTPen

      the current pen, as type {@link SCRTPen}

    • Optional renderPassData: RenderPassData

      optional renderPassData. If not supplied, the current renderPassData for the parent series will be used

    Returns void

    the new {@link UIntVector} with ARGB colors


  • createSolidBrush(htmlColorCode: string, opacity: number): SCRTBrush
  • Creates a native {@link SCRTBrush} Solid Color Brush from html color code string passed in


    • htmlColorCode: string

      The HTML Color code

    • opacity: number

      The opacity factor

    Returns SCRTBrush


  • delete(): void
  • Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.


    Call .delete() before finishing with the object to ensure that WebAssmembly memory leaks do not occur.

    All elements within SciChart's High Performance Realtime JavaScript Charts which implement IDeletable must be deleted manually to free native (WebAssembly) memory

    Returns void

Abstract draw


  • getStartAndCount(renderPassData: RenderPassData, xValues: SCRTDoubleVector): { count: number; startIndex: number }
  • Returns the startIndex and count to be passed to the native drawing provider. If renderPassData exists and contains an indexRange, this will be used, otherwise the full size of the xValues will be used


    Returns { count: number; startIndex: number }

    • count: number
    • startIndex: number

Protected isGradientFillPaletting

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean


  • onAttachSeries(): void
  • Called when this drawing provider instance is attached to a RenderableSeries. Override in derived classes to perform one-time setup

    Returns void


  • onDetachSeries(): void
  • Called when this drawing provider instance is detached from a RenderableSeries. Override in derived classes to perform tear-down

    Returns void


  • Called when the Dpi changes in the browser. This could be due to user zooming the browser, or changing DPI settings in Windows, or moving the browser containing SciChart to another monitor


    Returns void


  • onSeriesPropertyChange(propertyName: string): void

Protected overridePaletteProviderColors

  • overridePaletteProviderColors(rs: IRenderableSeries, xValue: number, yValue: number, index: number, opacity?: number, metadata?: IPointMetadata): { fill: number | undefined; stroke: number | undefined }
  • Parameters

    Returns { fill: number | undefined; stroke: number | undefined }

    • fill: number | undefined
    • stroke: number | undefined

Protected seriesHasDataChanges

  • seriesHasDataChanges(): void
  • Returns void

Protected shouldUpdatePalette

  • Parameters

    Returns void

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