Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
Calls native RequiresReduction method to calculate if resampling is needed
The resampling params
Update nativeArgs if True
Update {@link ResamplingArgs.Resampling} property if True
This method calls does resampling by calling the native resampling methods. It does similar things as WPF AvxExtremeResamplerDoubleDouble.ResampleInternal() method The needsResampling() method must be called before, this is done in {@link SciChartRenderer.resampleSeries}
The WebAssembly context
The resampling parameters
The original not resampled X values
The original not resampled Y values
The indices output
The resampled X values output
The resampled Y values output
If set to True resets and fill nativeArgs with basic properties, you can set it to False if {@link needsResampling()} was called before this method
indicesVector The resampled vector of indices
Fills basic native args needed for {@link needsResampling()} and resampleIntoPointSeries methods
Used internally
Generated using TypeDoc
Helper class for functions which optimise drawing