Creates an instance of the GradientColorPalette
The SciChart 3D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
optional parameters of type IGradientColorPaletteOptions passed to the constructor
An event handler which notifies subscribers that a property has changed and scene needs to be redrawn
The SciChart 3D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
The array of Gradient Stops to apply with offsets from 0.0 - 1.0
The array of Gradient Stops to apply with offsets from 0.0 - 1.0
Notifies subscribers of propertyChanged
The property name which changed
Generated using TypeDoc
Provides a gradient color palette which may be applied to the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.meshColorPalette property