SeriesInfo is a data-structure which provides enriched information about a hit-test operation.
It's derived by calling {@link BaseRenderableSeries.hitTestProvider.hitTest} (returns HitTestInfo) and then
enriched by calling BaseRenderableSeries.getSeriesInfo. There is a class hierachy for SeriesInfo which
is a different class depending on series type, e.g. line, mountain, scatter series has XySeriesInfo,
heatmap series as HeatmapSeriesInfo etc.
SeriesInfo is a data-structure which provides enriched information about a hit-test operation. It's derived by calling {@link BaseRenderableSeries.hitTestProvider.hitTest} (returns HitTestInfo) and then enriched by calling BaseRenderableSeries.getSeriesInfo. There is a class hierachy for SeriesInfo which is a different class depending on series type, e.g. line, mountain, scatter series has XySeriesInfo, heatmap series as HeatmapSeriesInfo etc.