Creates an instance of a UniformGridDataSeries3D
the SciChart WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our underlying WebGL2 rendering engine
optional parameters of type IUniformGridDataSeries3DOptions to configure the series
An EventHandler which is raised when the data changes.
The SciChart WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine
Gets the DataSeries name. This is used in legend controls and tooltips to identify the series
Gets the DataSeries name. This is used in legend controls and tooltips to identify the series
Determines whether the Data Series has been modified since last resetModified() call.
Gets the total extends of the DataSeries3D in the x-range
The xSize is the WIDTH or number of elements in each or of the 2-dimensional array, e.g. [[1, 2][3, 4][5, 6]] has a xSize of 2
Gets the total extends of the GridDataSeries3D in the y-range
Gets the total extends of the DataSeries3D in the z-range
The zSize is the HEIGHT or number of rows of the 2-dimensional array, e.g. [[1, 2][3, 4][5, 6]] has a height of 3
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
Returns true if this DataSeries has been deleted and native memory destroyed
Gets the YValue at the specific Z,X index where Z must be within 0-zSize and X must be within 0-xSize
the z-index from 0 to zSize
the x-index from 0 to xSize
Gets the Y-Values array as a two dimensional array. Output is in the format YValues[z][x] where z is 0 to zSize and X is 0 to xSize.
Resets the modified flag.
Sets the YValue at the specific Z,X index where Z must be within 0-zSize and X must be within 0-xSize
the z-index from 0 to zSize
the x-index from 0 to xSize
Sets a 2D array of YValues. Input is in the format YValues[z][x] where z is 0 to zSize and X is 0 to xSize Note that setting the YValues involves a clone. Once the array has been set you cannot manipulate the input array and expect changes on the chart.
Generated using TypeDoc
The UniformGridDataSeries3D wraps a 2D array of numbers which become the Y-values (heights) in various BaseRenderableSeries3D in SciChart's High Performance JavaScript 3D Charts.
The SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D requires a 2D array of numbers to map to Y-values (heights).
The xStart, xStep properties define the extents of the data in the X-direction, and yStart, yStep define the extents of the data in the Y-direction.
Y-values may be updated via manipulating the array returned by getYValues, or by setting a new array to setYValues. When manpulating data directly, be sure to call notifyDataChanged to inform SciChart to redraw.