The axis size in one dimension (X,Y,Z) in world-coordinates
The axis title string
The background color as an ARGB color represented as UInt32
The Axis Band color as ARGB represented as UInt32
The Axis Border color as ARGB represented as UInt32
Gets the Border thickness in world coordinates
When true, draw the axis bands
When true, draw the axis labels
When true, draws the major gridlines on the axis
When true, draws the major ticks on the axis
When true, draws the minor gridlines on the axis
When true, draws the minor ticks on the axis
When true, the axis is visible
When true, Labels are depth-tested and may be behind other objects in the chart, else they are always on-top
Style object of type ITextStyle to define the Axis Label style
Major tick / gridline and label coordinates in world-coordinates
Style object of type ILineStyle to define the Major gridlines
Style object of type ILineStyle to define the Major ticklines
Minor tick / gridline and label coordinates in world-coordinates
Style object of type ILineStyle to define the Minor gridlines
Style object of type ILineStyle to define the Minor ticklines
When true, attempt to avoid label overlap
An array of strings for the axis labels at Major gridline locations
Get an offset for Axis labels in world coordinates
Gets a title offset in world coordinates
Style object of type ITextStyle to define the Axis Title style
Generated using TypeDoc
Defines the interface to an IAxisDescriptor - contains properties, data and parameters to pass to the WebAssembly engine for drawing an AxisBase3D