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  • IPieSegmentOptions



Optional color

color: string

The color of the segment as an HTML color code

Optional colorLinearGradient

colorLinearGradient: GradientParams

An optional color gradient

Optional delta

delta: number

The amount to shift the segment when it is selected. Default 15 px

Optional id

id: string

Optional isSelected

isSelected: boolean

Whether the segment is selected. Selected segments are shifted outwards by the delta

Optional labelOffset

labelOffset: Point

An x, y offset for the label position

Optional labelProvider

Optional class that can override the default label formatting for this segment only. Must be or inherit from PieLabelProvider

Optional labelStyle

labelStyle: TTextStyle

Optional text style that will override the default style from the surface for this segment only

Optional radiusAdjustment

radiusAdjustment: number

A relative adjustment of the radius for this segment. eg 1.5 will be 50% larger than normal

Optional showLabel

showLabel: boolean

When true, labels are shown, else hidden. Default value true

Optional text

text: string

A text value for the segment which will be displayed in the legend

Optional value

value: number

The numerical value of the segment

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