A unique Id for the IRenderableSeries3D
When true, the line will be anti-aliased. Default true
When true, creates a polyline, else each pair of points in XyzDataSeries3D will be connected with a line with a break before the next pair. Default true
Gets or sets whether the IRenderableSeries3D is visible or not
Gets or sets the opacity of the IRenderableSeries3D
A 3D Point Marker which is used to draw an optional 3D point-marker at each Xyz data-point. Applicable to some series types only
Gets or sets an optional Shininess factor, passed to 3D rendering shaders to make shiny objects
Gets or sets the stroke color as an HTML Color code
The strokethickness of the 3D line series in world units. Set a strokeThickness of 0 to hide the line
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The DataSeries which provides a datasource for this IRenderableSeries3D to draw