Sets if tooltips for multiple series are allowed to overlap. Default false
Defines the operation that modifier should respond to
If this is set greater than the default of zero, the toolip will only show values for points in this radius, rather than all points on the vertical line
A unique Id for the ChartModifierBase2D
Defines the Modifier Group string - a grouping by ID for sharing mouse events across charts
Sets the parent div element id for the Tooltip
Sets the color of the vertical rollover line as an html color code
Gets or Sets the dash array of the vertical rollover line
Sets the thickness of the vertical rollover line
Sets if the axis label for the rollover Line should be shown. default false. Customize this futher after the modifier has been created by setting properties on rolloverModifer.rolloverLineAnnotation
Gets or Sets whether to show the vertical rollover line. Default true
Sets whether to show the tooltip. Default true
If True the RolloverModifier line snaps to the nearest data-point of the first visible renderable series
Sets the tooltipDataTemplate, which allows to customize content for the tooltip
Sets the legend X offset
Sets the legend Y offset
Sets the template for the legend
The XAxis Id to be used by annotations internal to the modifier. Set if you have multiple x axes and need to distinguish between horizontal/vertical, or stacked axes
Defines the Xy Direction - whether the modifier works in X, Y or XY or neither direction, for vertical charts the behaviour could be inverted, for example for vertical chart with RubberBandXyZoomModifier and EXyDirection.XDirection the modifier works on Y axis
The YAxis Id to be used by annotations internal to the modifier. Set if you have multiple y axes and need the modifier to use something other than the first one.
Generated using TypeDoc
Optional parameters used to configure a RolloverModifier at construct time