Defines the duration of animations when zooming in milliseconds
Defines the easing function for animation. See TEasingFn for a range of functions
Defines the operation that modifier should respond to
Sets the fill of RubberBandSvgRect
A unique Id for the ChartModifierBase2D
When true, the Zoom operations are animated. See also animationDuration and easingFunction
Defines the Modifier Group string - a grouping by ID for sharing mouse events across charts
Sets the stroke of RubberBandSvgRect
Sets the strokeThickness of RubberBandSvgRect
The XAxis Id to be used by annotations internal to the modifier. Set if you have multiple x axes and need to distinguish between horizontal/vertical, or stacked axes
Defines the Xy Direction - whether the modifier works in X, Y or XY or neither direction, for vertical charts the behaviour could be inverted, for example for vertical chart with RubberBandXyZoomModifier and EXyDirection.XDirection the modifier works on Y axis
The YAxis Id to be used by annotations internal to the modifier. Set if you have multiple y axes and need the modifier to use something other than the first one.
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Optional parameters used to configure a RubberBandXyZoomModifier at construct time