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Optional enableHover

enableHover: boolean

When true, hover is enabled. Any series under the mouse or pointer on mouseMove will be notified as mouseOver


Enabling hover will decrease performance as a hit-test operation must be performed every mouse-move.



Optional enableSelection

enableSelection: boolean

When true, Selection is enabled. Any series under the mouse or pointer device on mouseDown can be selected.



Optional executeOn

executeOn: EExecuteOn

Defines the operation that modifier should respond to

Optional hitTestRadius

hitTestRadius: number

A hit-test radius in pixels used when selecting series. Defaults to 7

Optional id

id: string

A unique Id for the ChartModifierBase2D

Optional modifierGroup

modifierGroup: string

Defines the Modifier Group string - a grouping by ID for sharing mouse events across charts

Optional onHoverChanged

onHoverChanged: THoveredChangedCallback | string

Optional callback for when any series is hovered or unhovered


Optional onSelectionChanged

onSelectionChanged: TSelectionChangedCallback | string

Optional callback for when any series is selected or deselected


Argument of

Optional xAxisId

xAxisId: string

The XAxis Id to be used by annotations internal to the modifier. Set if you have multiple x axes and need to distinguish between horizontal/vertical, or stacked axes

Optional xyDirection

xyDirection: EXyDirection

Defines the Xy Direction - whether the modifier works in X, Y or XY or neither direction, for vertical charts the behaviour could be inverted, for example for vertical chart with RubberBandXyZoomModifier and EXyDirection.XDirection the modifier works on Y axis

Optional yAxisId

yAxisId: string

The YAxis Id to be used by annotations internal to the modifier. Set if you have multiple y axes and need the modifier to use something other than the first one.

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