The formating mode to apply to the value.
The label text to use. If you pass an object like {1:"one", 2:"two", 3:"three"} then labels will be chosen based on the tick value. eg ticks 3,1 will result in "three", "one". If you pass an array like ["one", "two", "three"] then for a category axis it will use the labels in the order given, regardless of data value. If you know that your x data will be a fixed set in a fixed order, then passing an array of labels is simpler. To manually specify multiple lines, pass an array for the label eg ["One line",["Two","Lines"],["Three","more","lines"]]
Line spacing to use if text is wrapped. For normal labels this is a multiple of the text height and defaults to 1.1 For native text it is a number of pixels and defaults to 2
Wrap text longer than this number of characters. Will only wrap whole words.
Experimental - set true to use native text for axes. Not all text features currently supported
Whether to use cached labels from other axes that have the same style. You may need to set this false if you are overriding getLabelTexture or getLabelTextureAsync without setting a unique style.
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This functionality has been removed. useNativeText: true provides much greater performance benefit.