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Optional asyncLabels

asyncLabels: boolean

This functionality has been removed. useNativeText: true provides much greater performance benefit.

Optional cursorLabelFormat

cursorLabelFormat: ENumericFormat

Optional cursorLabelPrecision

cursorLabelPrecision: number

Optional labelFormat

labelFormat: ENumericFormat

The formating mode to apply to the value.

Optional labelPostfix

labelPostfix: string

Optional labelPrecision

labelPrecision: number

Optional labelPrefix

labelPrefix: string

Optional labels

labels: Record<number, string | string[]>

The label text to use. If you pass an object like {1:"one", 2:"two", 3:"three"} then labels will be chosen based on the tick value. eg ticks 3,1 will result in "three", "one". If you pass an array like ["one", "two", "three"] then for a category axis it will use the labels in the order given, regardless of data value. If you know that your x data will be a fixed set in a fixed order, then passing an array of labels is simpler. To manually specify multiple lines, pass an array for the label eg ["One line",["Two","Lines"],["Three","more","lines"]]

Optional lineSpacing

lineSpacing: number

Line spacing to use if text is wrapped. For normal labels this is a multiple of the text height and defaults to 1.1 For native text it is a number of pixels and defaults to 2

Optional maxLength

maxLength: number

Wrap text longer than this number of characters. Will only wrap whole words.

Optional rotation

rotation: number

Optional useNativeText

useNativeText: boolean

Experimental - set true to use native text for axes. Not all text features currently supported

Optional useSharedCache

useSharedCache: boolean

Whether to use cached labels from other axes that have the same style. You may need to set this false if you are overriding getLabelTexture or getLabelTextureAsync without setting a unique style.

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