SciChart.Core Assembly : SciChart.Core.Framework Namespace
SciChart.Core.Framework Namespace
Class Wraps an Action in an IDisposable. Useful when you want to have lazy dispose which is often used by the DirectX render context
Class A base class which implements IDisposable and implements the Finalizer pattern to ensure dispose is called by the Garbage Collector if not called by the user
Class Temporarily suspends Garbage collection for the entire application. WARNING! Use only in Using blocks and use sparingly around performance-intensive code
ClassA disposable class which allows nested suspend/resume operations on an ISuspendable target
Interface Defines the interface to a Dispatcher Facade
Interface Defines the base interface for a type which can be hit-tested
Interface Types which implement IInvalidatableElement can be invalidated (redrawn)
Interface Types which implement ISuspendable can have updates suspended/resumed. Useful for batch operations
InterfaceDefines the interface to an UpdateSuspender, a disposable class which allows nested suspend/resume operations on an ISuspendable target
Enumeration Describes the priorities at which operations can be invoked by way of the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.
See Also