Properties  Methods 

IRenderSurface2D Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IRenderSurface2D.

Public Properties
 PropertyGets the height of the SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable (Inherited from SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable)
 PropertyGets the width of the SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable (Inherited from SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable)
 PropertyGets the ChildSeries in this IRenderSurface2D instance.  
 PropertyReturns true if the RenderSurfaceBase size is valid for drawing (Inherited from SciChart.Drawing.Common.IRenderSurface)
 PropertyReturns true if the RenderSurfaceBase is valid for drawing (Inherited from SciChart.Drawing.Common.IRenderSurface)
 PropertyReturns True if the RenderSurfaceBase size has changed and the viewport needs resizing (Inherited from SciChart.Drawing.Common.IRenderSurface)
 PropertyGets or sets the SciChart.Core.Utility.IServiceContainer instance (Inherited from SciChart.Drawing.Common.IRenderSurface)
 PropertyGets or sets a Style to apply to the IRenderSurface2D (Inherited from SciChart.Drawing.Common.IRenderSurface)
Public Methods
 MethodOverloaded. Adds the System.Windows.FrameworkElement instance as a visual child to the IRenderSurface2D  
 Method Clears the viewport (Inherited from SciChart.Drawing.Common.IRenderSurface)
 MethodClears all System.Windows.FrameworkElement Visual Children on the IRenderSurface2D (Inherited from SciChart.Drawing.Common.IRenderSurface)
 MethodReturns True if the RenderSurfaceBase contains the System.Windows.FrameworkElement instance  
 MethodPerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Inherited from System.IDisposable)
 MethodGets the bounds of the current SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable element relative to another SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable element (Inherited from SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable)
 MethodCreates an IRenderContext2D instance to perform drawing operations. Note this is only valid for the current render pass  
 Method Asynchronously requests that the element redraws itself plus children. Will be ignored if the element is ISuspendable and currently IsSuspended (within a SuspendUpdates/ResumeUpdates call) (Inherited from SciChart.Core.Framework.IInvalidatableElement)
 MethodReturns true if the Point is within the bounds of the current SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable element (Inherited from SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable)
 Method Recreates the elements required by the Viewport, called once at startup and when the surface is resized (Inherited from SciChart.Drawing.Common.IRenderSurface)
 MethodRemoves the System.Windows.FrameworkElement from the IRenderSurface2D  
 MethodTranslates the point relative to the other SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable element (Inherited from SciChart.Core.Framework.IHitTestable)
Extension Methods
Public Extension Method Checks for null and if not null, calls Dispose
See Also