SciChart.Drawing Assembly : SciChart.Drawing.Common Namespace
SciChart.Drawing.Common Namespace (SciChart.Drawing)
ClassDefault implementation of IRenderTimerFactory
ClassEventArgs raised when the IRenderSurface.Draw event is raised, which occurs at the start of the render pass
Class identifies cached rendered character
ClassDefines the base class for IRenderContext2D implementors, allowing drawing, blitting and creation of pens and brushes on the RenderSurfaceBase
ClassEvent args used when the IRenderSurface.Rendered event is raised
ClassStores a queue of System.Action operations to perform, intended to be used to queue rendering operations and re-arrange Z-order
ClassA collection of RenderOperationLayer layers, which allow rendering operations to be posted to a layered queue for later execution in order (and correct Z-ordering).
ClassAn abstract base class for the RenderSurface, which is a viewport used within the a SciChartSurface to render RenderableSeries types in a fast manner. The renderer architecture is plugin based, meaning we have build multiple implementations of RenderSurfaceBase.

A timer which uses either System.Windows.Media.CompositionTarget.Rendering event (in case of maxFrameRate supplied as null to Constructor) or DispatcherTimer.

Used by RenderSurfaceBase derived types to trigger drawing

Class Provides a single render scheduling timer for the entire application (all charts will be triggered by the same timer). Intent is to save CPU time by dispatching to the UI thread only once when there are many charts.

A timer which uses System.Timers.Timer to signal when rendering should occur. This can be used to solve problems with WinForms / WPF message loops and priority in certain high performance scenarios

Used by RenderSurfaceBase derived types to trigger drawing

InterfaceDefines the interface to a 2D Brush used to paint fills on the IRenderSurface2D
Interface Defines interface to context of splitting line into dashes
Interface Defines the interface to a Extreme 2D RenderContext
InterfaceA base interface for IPen2D and IBrush2D. Used by the IPathDrawingContext to draw fills and lines

Creates IPathDrawingContext instances, e.g. to draw lines, points, polygon outlines depending on the final implementation.

InterfaceReturns an IPathDrawingContext to draw a polyline, or collection of PointMarkers
InterfaceDefines the interface to a 2D pen, used to draw lines on the IRenderSurface2D

Creates IPointMarkerPathDrawingContext instances, e.g. to draw points (ellipses, squares, triangles).

InterfaceReturns an IPointMarkerPathDrawingContext to draw a polyline, or collection of PointMarkers
InterfaceDefines the interface to a 2D RenderContext, allowing drawing, blitting and creation of pens and brushes on the RenderSurfaceBase
InterfaceCommon interface for a RenderSurface, RenderSurfaceBase
InterfaceDefines the interface to a RenderSurface, which is a viewport used to draw 2D graphics in a fast manner. The renderer architecture is plugin based, meaning we have build multiple implementations of RenderSurfaceBase.
Interface Defines the interface for the render timer factory
Interface Defines the interface to a 2D Sprite, a small fixed-size bitmap which is rendered repeatedly to the viewport
InterfaceDefines the interface to a 2D texture, used to draw images on the IRenderSurface2D
Interface Defines the interface to a GPU vertex buffer
InterfaceDefines the interface to a Twister 2D RenderContext, allowing drawing, blitting and creation of pens and brushes on the RenderSurfaceBase
EnumerationEnumeration Constants to define the layers in RenderOperationLayers
Enumeration Defines the texture filtering mode. Texture filtering is the method used to determine the texture color for a texture mapped pixel, using the colors of nearby texels (pixels of the texture)
EnumerationDefines TextureFormats for ITexture2D derived types
EnumerationDefines enumeration constants to describe how textures are mapped. If textures are mapped PerScreen, then a single large texture is shared for all elements that use this texture. Else, if PerPrimitive then individual primitives have separate textures.
See Also