SciChart.js JavaScript 2D Charts API > 2D Chart Types > The Bubble Series Type
The Bubble Series Type

Bubble Series can be created using the FastBubbleRenderableSeries type.

The JavaScript Bubble Chart Example can be found in the SciChart.Js Examples Suite on Github, or our live demo at

Above: The JavaScript Bubble Chart example from the SciChart.js Demo.

Create a Bubble Series

To create a Javascript Bubble Chart with SciChart.js, use the following code:

// Demonstrates how to create a bubble chart with SciChart.js
const {
} = SciChart;

// or, for npm, import { SciChartSurface, ... } from "scichart"

const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create(divElementId, {
  theme: new SciChartJsNavyTheme()
sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext));
sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext));

const xValues = [];
const yValues = [];
const sizes = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
  yValues.push(0.2 * Math.sin(i*0.2) - Math.cos(i * 0.04));
  sizes.push(Math.sin(i) * 60 + 3);

const xyzDataSeries = new XyzDataSeries(wasmContext, {
  zValues: sizes

const bubbleSeries = new FastBubbleRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
  dataSeries: xyzDataSeries,
  pointMarker: new EllipsePointMarker(wasmContext, {
    // choose a suitably large size for pointmarker. This will  be scaled per-point
    width: 64,
    height: 64,
    strokeThickness: 0,
    fill: "#4682b477"

// Demonstrates how to create a scatter with SciChart.js using the Builder API
const {
} = SciChart;

// or, for npm, import { chartBuilder, ... } from "scichart"

const xValues = [];
const yValues = [];
const sizes = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
  yValues.push(0.2 * Math.sin(i*0.2) - Math.cos(i * 0.04));
  sizes.push(Math.sin(i) * 60 + 3);

const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await chartBuilder.build2DChart(divElementId, {
  surface: { theme: { type: EThemeProviderType.Dark } },
  series: [
      type: ESeriesType.BubbleSeries,
      xyzData: {
        zValues: sizes
      options: {
        pointMarker: {
          type: EPointMarkerType.Ellipse,
          options: {
            // choose a suitably large size for pointmarker. This will  be scaled per-point
            width: 64,
            height: 64,
            strokeThickness: 0,
            fill: "#4682b477"

In the code above:

  • A Bubble Series instance is created and added to the SciChartSurface.renderableSeries collection.
  • We set a PointMarker with a width, height = 64. Note that this pointmarker will be scaled up or down relative to bubble size. Having a strokeThickness of 0 can create a better visual.
  • We assign a DataSeries - which stores the Xyz data to render, where X,Y is position and Z is scale factor.

This results in the following output:

<div id="scichart-root" ></div>
body { margin: 0; }
#scichart-root { width: 100%; height: 100vh; }
async function simpleBubbleChart(divElementId) {
  // #region ExampleA
  // Demonstrates how to create a bubble chart with SciChart.js
  const {
  } = SciChart;

  // or, for npm, import { SciChartSurface, ... } from "scichart"

  const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create(divElementId, {
    theme: new SciChartJsNavyTheme()
  sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext));
  sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext));

  const xValues = [];
  const yValues = [];
  const sizes = [];
  for(let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
    yValues.push(0.2 * Math.sin(i*0.2) - Math.cos(i * 0.04));
    sizes.push(Math.sin(i) * 60 + 3);

  const xyzDataSeries = new XyzDataSeries(wasmContext, {
    zValues: sizes

  const bubbleSeries = new FastBubbleRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
    dataSeries: xyzDataSeries,
    pointMarker: new EllipsePointMarker(wasmContext, {
      // choose a suitably large size for pointmarker. This will  be scaled per-point
      width: 64,
      height: 64,
      strokeThickness: 0,
      fill: "#4682b477"

  // #endregion

  // Optional: add zooming, panning for the example
  const { MouseWheelZoomModifier, ZoomPanModifier, ZoomExtentsModifier } = SciChart;
  sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier(), new ZoomPanModifier, new ZoomExtentsModifier());


async function builderExample(divElementId) {
  // #region ExampleB
  // Demonstrates how to create a scatter with SciChart.js using the Builder API
  const {
  } = SciChart;

  // or, for npm, import { chartBuilder, ... } from "scichart"

  const xValues = [];
  const yValues = [];
  const sizes = [];
  for(let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
    yValues.push(0.2 * Math.sin(i*0.2) - Math.cos(i * 0.04));
    sizes.push(Math.sin(i) * 60 + 3);

  const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await chartBuilder.build2DChart(divElementId, {
    surface: { theme: { type: EThemeProviderType.Dark } },
    series: [
        type: ESeriesType.BubbleSeries,
        xyzData: {
          zValues: sizes
        options: {
          pointMarker: {
            type: EPointMarkerType.Ellipse,
            options: {
              // choose a suitably large size for pointmarker. This will  be scaled per-point
              width: 64,
              height: 64,
              strokeThickness: 0,
              fill: "#4682b477"
  // #endregion

// Uncomment this to use the builder example

Note: Because the Bubble Series renders a single point-market but scales for each point, it is advisable not to use a Stroke on the PointMarker, as this could get pixellated when the bubble is scaled up or down. This approach of ours results in extremely high performance charts - hundreds of thousands of data-points are possible with SciChart.js.

Scaling Bubble sizes per-point

The Bubble chart sizes are scaled using the zValue on the XyzDataSeries. By default, the z-value is pixels.

You can scale up/down the entire bubble series by setting the FastBubbleRenderableSeries.zMultiplier property. Default value=1.

You can modify or edit sizes by adjusting the zValues via xyzDataSeries.updateXyz() or similar. See the DataSeries Documentation pages for more info about data updates.

Bubble sizes can be scaled using the DataSeries zValue, or the zMultiplier property (see above). What if you wanted to scale a bubble series depending on the zoom level of the viewport? Here's a quick worked example:

const bubbleSeries = new FastBubbleRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
  dataSeries: new XyzDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues, yValues, zValues: sizes }),
  pointMarker: new EllipsePointMarker(wasmContext, {
    width: 256,
    height: 256,
    strokeThickness: 0,
    fill: "#4682b477"

// Adjust zMultiplier based on zoom level
const adjustSeriesStyle = () => {
  const xAxis = sciChartSurface.xAxes.get(0);
  // Get the max range of the xAxis and calculate how zoomed in we are
  const seriesRange = xAxis.getMaximumRange();
  const zoomMultiplier = seriesRange.diff / xAxis.visibleRange.diff;

  // Calculate & apply a zoom factor
  const size =
      (Math.round(sciChartSurface.seriesViewRect.width) * zoomMultiplier) / bubbleSeries.dataSeries.count();
  bubbleSeries.zMultiplier = size * 0.05;

const usePreRenderCallback = (sciChartSurface, callback) => {
  let wasRendered = false;

  // initial setup - trigger on first redraw
  sciChartSurface.rendered.subscribe(() => {
    if (!wasRendered) {
      wasRendered = true;

  // subsequent calls - trigger before render
  sciChartSurface.preRender.subscribe(() => {
    if (wasRendered) {

// Callback called before render on SciChartSurface
usePreRenderCallback(sciChartSurface, () => {


This results in the following output:

<div id="scichart-root" ></div>
body { margin: 0; }
#scichart-root { width: 100%; height: 100vh; }
async function scaleBasedOnZoom(divElementId) {
  // Demonstrates how to create a bubble chart with SciChart.js
  const {
  } = SciChart;

  // or, for npm, import { SciChartSurface, ... } from "scichart"

  const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create(divElementId, {
    theme: new SciChartJsNavyTheme()
  sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext));
  sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext));

  const xValues = [];
  const yValues = [];
  const sizes = [];
  for(let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
    yValues.push(0.2 * Math.sin(i*0.2) - Math.cos(i * 0.04));
    sizes.push(Math.sin(i) * 60 + 3);

  // #region ExampleA
  const bubbleSeries = new FastBubbleRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
    dataSeries: new XyzDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues, yValues, zValues: sizes }),
    pointMarker: new EllipsePointMarker(wasmContext, {
      width: 256,
      height: 256,
      strokeThickness: 0,
      fill: "#4682b477"

  // Adjust zMultiplier based on zoom level
  const adjustSeriesStyle = () => {
    const xAxis = sciChartSurface.xAxes.get(0);
    // Get the max range of the xAxis and calculate how zoomed in we are
    const seriesRange = xAxis.getMaximumRange();
    const zoomMultiplier = seriesRange.diff / xAxis.visibleRange.diff;

    // Calculate & apply a zoom factor
    const size =
        (Math.round(sciChartSurface.seriesViewRect.width) * zoomMultiplier) / bubbleSeries.dataSeries.count();
    bubbleSeries.zMultiplier = size * 0.05;

  const usePreRenderCallback = (sciChartSurface, callback) => {
    let wasRendered = false;

    // initial setup - trigger on first redraw
    sciChartSurface.rendered.subscribe(() => {
      if (!wasRendered) {
        wasRendered = true;

    // subsequent calls - trigger before render
    sciChartSurface.preRender.subscribe(() => {
      if (wasRendered) {

  // Callback called before render on SciChartSurface
  usePreRenderCallback(sciChartSurface, () => {

  // #endregion

  // Optional: add zooming, panning for the example
  const { MouseWheelZoomModifier, ZoomPanModifier, ZoomExtentsModifier } = SciChart;
  sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier(), new ZoomPanModifier, new ZoomExtentsModifier());



Render a Gap in a Bubble Series

It is possible to have null points or gaps in a Bubble Series by passing a data point with a NaN value as the Y value. Or, by simply skipping a point if using a value-axis. Please refer to the Common Series Features - Draw Gaps in Series article for more details.

Different Point-Markers on a Bubble Series

Every data point of a Bubble Series is marked with a PointMarker. Several different types of PointMarker are available in SciChart.js:

Any of these can be used to create a bubble chart.

To learn more about the types of Point Marker in SciChart.js, see the Point Markers API documentation.

There is also a TypeScript example of custom pointmarkers in the SciChart.js Demo.

Painting Bubbles with Different Colors

It is possible to define the colour of PointMarkers individually using the PaletteProvider API.

For more info on how to do this, see the PaletteProvider - Per-point colouring of Scatter Charts documentation page.