Creates an instance of the EllipsePointMarker
The SciChart 2D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
Optional parameters of type IPointMarkerOptions used to configure the point-marker at instantiation time
Callback to invalidate the parent 2D SciChartSurface
Type of the point marker
The SciChart 2D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
Gets or sets the point-marker fill as an HTML Color Code
Gets or sets the point-marker fill as an HTML Color Code
Gets or sets the height of the point-marker in pixels
Gets or sets the height of the point-marker in pixels
Set true to make the point marker render only for the last point on the data series
Set true to make the point marker render only for the last point on the data series
Gets or sets the opacity of the point-marker
Gets or sets the opacity of the point-marker
Gets or sets the point-marker stroke as an HTML Color Code
Gets or sets the point-marker stroke as an HTML Color Code
Gets or sets the stroke-thickness of the point-marker in pixels
Gets or sets the stroke-thickness of the point-marker in pixels
Gets or sets the width of the point-marker in pixels
Gets or sets the width of the point-marker in pixels
Replace this to do custom adjustments to the auto color for a particular property
Called internally - creates the CanvasTexture object and calls drawSprite for creating the cached texture to draw
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
When overridden in a derived class, draw once the point-marker to the {@link CanvasRenderingContext2D}. This will create a sprite (image or bitmap) which will be repeated at each xy data-value using our fast WebGL WebAssembly graphics engine
the {@link CanvasRenderingContext2D} to draw to
the sprite target width
the sprite target height
the stroke color
the thickness of the stroke
the fill color
Gets a CanvasTexture object which represents the fill mask sprite instance to use for points, which appearance is overridden by a Palette Provider
Creates the BasePointMarkerStyle object from the {@BasePointMarker}
Gets a CanvasTexture object which represents the point-marker sprite instance to draw
Gets a CanvasTexture object which represents the stroke mask sprite instance to use for points, which appearance is overridden by a Palette Provider
Notifies listeners to invalidateParentCallback that a property has changed and redraw is required
the property name
the new value
the old value
Called when the Dpi changes in the browser. This could be due to user zooming the browser, or changing DPI settings in Windows, or moving the browser containing SciChart to another monitor
The TDpiChangedEventArgs containing info about the Dpi Changed event
Resolve colors marked AUTO_COLOR using the theme's strokePalette and fillPalette To do custom adjustments to the resolved colors, override the adjustAutoColor method
Resumes recreation of the PointMarker
Suspends recreation of the PointMarker, used to increase performance when several properties of the PointMarker needs to be updated
Convert the object to a definition that can be serialized to JSON, or used directly with the builder api
Generated using TypeDoc
Point-marker type which renders an ellipse at each x-y datapoint location
To apply the EllipsePointMarker to a IRenderableSeries, use the following code:
const sciChartSurface: SciChartSurface; const wasmContext: TSciChart; sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, { pointMarker: new EllipsePointMarker(wasmContext, { width: 9, height: 9, fill: "#FF0000", stroke: "#0000FF", strokeThickness: 1 }) }));