The AnnotationBase selection box stroke color as an HTML color code
The AnnotationBase grips background color as an HTML color code
The AnnotationBase grips border color as an HTML color code
The default 3D Chart Axis Bands fill color applied as an HTML color code
The Axis Bands fill brush as an HTML color code
The default 2D Chart Axis Border Color color applied as an HTML color code
The default 3D Chart Axis Plane background color applied as an HTML color code
The default Axis Title color applied as an HTML color code
The default Chart Title color applied as an HTML color code
The default FastColumnRenderableSeries fill brush as an HTML color code
The default FastColumnRenderableSeries stroke brush as an HTML color code
The Cursor Line brush as an HTML color code
The default UniformHeatmapRenderableSeries color-map gradient stops
The default FastBandRenderableSeries down band fill color as an HTML color code
The default FastBandRenderableSeries down line color as an HTML color code
The default FastCandlestickRenderableSeries down body color as an HTML color code
The default FastCandlestickRenderableSeries down-wick color as an HTML color code
An array of color codes (or GradientStops if you want to control the gaps between colors) which will be used to provide fill colors.
The Grid area background brush as an HTML color code
The Grid border brush as an HTML color code
The default FastImpulseRenderableSeries fill brush as an HTML color code
Tells SciChart if the theme has a light or dark background (used for calculating contrasting elements)
The Axis label background brush as an HTML color code
The Axis label border brush as an HTML color code
The Axis label foreground font color brush as an HTML color code
The SciChartLegend background brush as an HTML color code
The default FastLineRenderableSeries line stroke brush as an HTML color code
The background color of the loading animation dots, which can also be customized by overriding the loader
The foreground color of the loading animation dots, which can also be customized by overriding the loader
The Major Gridlines brush as an HTML color code
The Minor Gridlines brush as an HTML color code
The default FastMountainRenderableSeries mountain fill brush as an HTML color code
The default FastMountainRenderableSeries mountain line brush as an HTML color code
The default 3D Chart Axis Plane border color applied as an HTML color code
The RolloverModifier line brush as an HTML color code
The RubberBandXyZoomModifier recticule fill brush as an HTML color code
The RubberBandXyZoomModifier recticule stroke brush as an HTML color code
The Background color as an HTML color code
The default shadow effect color applied to drop-shadows
An array of color codes (or GradientStops if you want to control the gaps between colors) which will be used to provide stroke colors.
The TextAnnotation background color as an HTML color code
The TextAnnotation font color as an HTML color code
The Tick Text brush as an HTML color code
The default FastBandRenderableSeries up band fill color as an HTML color code
The default FastBandRenderableSeries up line color as an HTML color code
The default FastCandlestickRenderableSeries up body color as an HTML color code
The default FastCandlestickRenderableSeries up-wick color as an HTML color code
get a color from the fillPalette, either directly (if max is less than fillPalette length) or by interpolation
get a color from the strokePalette, either directly (if max is less than strokePalette length) or by interpolation
Generated using TypeDoc
The ThemeProvider has properties to define a theme within SciChart's 2D & 3D Charts
Applied to a 2D SciChartSurface, or a 3D SciChart3DSurface, the ThemeProvider may be applied using the applyTheme method, where it is passed down to child components so that all children of the chart get the same theme.
For example:
// Applying a built-in dark theme const sciChartSurface: SciChartSurface; sciChartSurface.applyTheme(new SciChartJSDarkTheme()); // Or light theme sciChartSurface.applyTheme(new SciChartJSLightTheme()); // Applying a custom theme export class MyCustomTheme implements IThemeProvider { // todo: implement IThemeProvider interface and apply properties } sciChartSurface.applyTheme(new MyCustomTheme());