Creates an instance of the FastMountainRenderableSeries
The SciChart WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 WebAssembly Drawing Engine
optional parameters of type IMountainRenderableSeriesOptions applied when constructing the series type
Gets the current IHitTestProvider, used to call methods IHitTestProvider.hitTest, IHitTestProvider.hitTestXSlice and IHitTestProvider.hitTestDataPoint and provide info about the series data-points at mouse or touch locations
A hovered EventHandler. This event fires whenever the Series is hovered or unhovered by a mouse or pointer.
A unique Id for the IRenderableSeries
A callback which tells the parent SciChartSurface that it must be redrawn, e.g. when a property changes
Returns true if the series is a stacked series or not
An isVisible changed EventHandler. This event fires whenever the Series isVisible changes.
Gets or sets RolloverModifierRenderableSeriesProps for RolloverModifier tooltips
Gets or sets RolloverModifierRenderableSeriesProps for RolloverModifier tooltips Is being used for Y1 tooltips for FastBandRenderableSeries
A selected EventHandler. This event fires whenever the Series is selected or deselected.
Sets a start up animation class, a child class for SeriesAnimation
If true, the drawing will be clipped to the visibleRange of the associated Y Axis. This is only really relevant if you are using Stacked Y Axes and do not want the series to be drawn outside that axis range
If true, the drawing will be clipped to the visibleRange of the associated Y Axis. This is only really relevant if you are using Stacked Y Axes and do not want the series to be drawn outside that axis range
Gets or sets the BaseDataLabelProvider used for creating and drawing per-point text
Gets or sets the BaseDataLabelProvider used for creating and drawing per-point text
The DataSeries which provides a datasource for this IRenderableSeries to draw
The DataSeries which provides a datasource for this IRenderableSeries to draw
How to treat NAN (Not a number) values in the input dataSeries. See ELineDrawMode for a list of values.
How to treat NAN (Not a number) values in the input dataSeries. See ELineDrawMode for a list of values.
Gets a list of Series Drawing Providers, which perform specific drawing operations in the series
Gets a list of Series Drawing Providers, which perform specific drawing operations in the series
Gets an optional ShaderEffect for modifying the render output of this IRenderableSeries
Sets an optional ShaderEffect for modifying the render output of this IRenderableSeries
Readonly. When true, resampling modes are enabled for faster drawing performance.
Gets or sets the fill color as an HTML Color code
Gets or sets the fill color as an HTML Color code
Gets or sets the fill as a gradient brush
Gets or sets the fill as a gradient brush
When true, if this series draws a line, the line will be a digital (step) line
When true, if this series draws a line, the line will be a digital (step) line
Gets or sets whether the Series is hovered by a mouse or pointer device. Setting programmatically will trigger hovered logic
Gets or sets whether the Series is hovered by a mouse or pointer device. Setting programmatically will trigger hovered logic
gets if the animation is currently running
gets if a data animation is currently running
Gets or sets whether the Series is selected. Setting programmatically will trigger selection logic
Gets or sets whether the Series is selected. Setting programmatically will trigger selection logic
Returns true if the series uses spline interpolation
When true, the series is visible and drawn
When true, the series is visible and drawn
An Opacity factor of the Series that controls its semi-transparency level, where value 1 means the Series is opaque; 0 - transparent.
An Opacity factor of the Series that controls its semi-transparency level, where value 1 means the Series is opaque; 0 - transparent.
An optional IPaletteProvider which is used to provide per data-point coloring or paletting.
An optional IPaletteProvider which is used to provide per data-point coloring or paletting.
The parent SciChartSurface that this RenderableSeries is attached to
The parent SciChartSurface that this RenderableSeries is attached to
A Point Marker which is used to draw an optional point-marker at each data-point. Applicable to some series types only
A Point Marker which is used to draw an optional point-marker at each data-point. Applicable to some series types only
Gets or sets the EResamplingMode used when drawing this series. Default value is Auto. To disable resampling for this series set mode = None. Also see resamplingPrecision which specifies the precision applied when resampling. To globally enable/disable resampling for debug purposes set SciChartDefaults.debugDisableResampling
Gets or sets the EResamplingMode used when drawing this series. Default value is Auto. To disable resampling for this series set mode = None. Also see resamplingPrecision which specifies the precision applied when resampling. To globally enable/disable resampling for debug purposes set SciChartDefaults.debugDisableResampling
Gets or sets the resampling precision for this series.
Default value is 0.0. Value of 1.0 means double precision: the resampler outputs 2x the number of points. Value of 2.0 means quadruple precision: the resampler outputs 4x the number of points.
If experiencing visual artefacts, try setting the precision to 1.0 or 2.0. This will come at a minor performance cost of around 20% for large datasets.
Gets or sets the resampling precision for this series.
Default value is 0.0. Value of 1.0 means double precision: the resampler outputs 2x the number of points. Value of 2.0 means quadruple precision: the resampler outputs 4x the number of points.
If experiencing visual artefacts, try setting the precision to 1.0 or 2.0. This will come at a minor performance cost of around 20% for large datasets.
A Stroke for lines, outlines and edges of this RenderableSeries
A Stroke for lines, outlines and edges of this RenderableSeries
The StrokeDashArray defines the stroke or dash pattern for the line. Accepts an array of values, e.g. [2,2] will have a line of length 2 and a gap of length 2.
The StrokeDashArray defines the stroke or dash pattern for the line. Accepts an array of values, e.g. [2,2] will have a line of length 2 and a gap of length 2.
The Stroke Thickness for lines, outlines and edges of this RenderableSeries
The Stroke Thickness for lines, outlines and edges of this RenderableSeries
Returns true if the series supports resampling
Gets the bound XAxis for this BaseRenderableSeries.
Gets the bound YAxis for this BaseRenderableSeries.
Determines whether the y range for this series should consider only the visible data (the default), or include the drawn points just outside the visible range
Determines whether the y range for this series should consider only the visible data (the default), or include the drawn points just outside the visible range
Gets or sets the Zero-line Y, the Y-value where the mountain crosses zero and inverts. Default is 0
Gets or sets the Zero-line Y, the Y-value where the mountain crosses zero and inverts. Default is 0
Replace this to do custom adjustments to the auto color for a particular property
Runs after the animation is complete
Runs before the animation starts
Checks is the point is out of the data range. For sorted data only. Is used to hide tooltips for RolloverModifier
The X value of the point
The Y value of the point
Is being called when the data for the underlying DataSeries changes
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
Called when the BaseRenderableSeries must be drawn
The {@link WebGL2RenderingContext} with methods for drawing on the WebGL Canvas via our WebAssembly Rendering Engine
The RenderPassData containing data about the current rendering pass
Add the animation into the queue
Gets the RenderPassData instance used for this render pass
Returns the associated IDataSeries.dataSeriesName
Returns IDataSeries.count for the linked dataSeries
Returns the indices range of data points in xRange of the associated IDataSeries
The X-Axis Range currently in view
If True the renderable series uses CategoryAxis
Returns the IDataSeries.getNativeXValues for the associated dataSeries
Returns the IDataSeries.getNativeYValues for the associated dataSeries
Get a SeiesInfo object for this series based on the given hitTest
Gets the X-Range of the series. Override in derived classes to provide series specific implementations
Gets the Y-Range of the series for the current X-Range. Override in derived classes to provide series specific implementations
The AxisCore.visibleRange for the current bound XAxis
Whether the current bound XAxis is a Category axis
Returns true if the BaseRenderableSeries has a dataSeries
Returns true if the BaseRenderableSeries has a dataSeries and IDataSeries.hasValues is true
Returns true if the BaseRenderableSeries has an
Returns true if the BaseRenderableSeries has an IPointMarkerPaletteProvider
Returns true if the BaseRenderableSeries has an IStrokePaletteProvider
Used internally to check if resampling is needed for the renderable series
Is called for each render
Called when the BaseRenderableSeries is attached to a parent SciChartSurface
the SciChartSurface that this series has been attached to
Called when the BaseRenderableSeries is detached from a SciChartSurface
Called when the Dpi changes in the browser. This could be due to user zooming the browser, or changing DPI settings in Windows, or moving the browser containing SciChart to another monitor
The TDpiChangedEventArgs containing info about the Dpi Changed event
adds palette colors
Resolve colors marked AUTO_COLOR using the theme's strokePalette and fillPalette To do custom adjustments to the resolved colors, override the adjustAutoColor method
Cancel all previous animations and run the current one
Sets initial and end animation vectors
Sets the RenderPassData instance used for this render pass
Convert the object to a definition that can be serialized to JSON, or used directly with the builder api
if set true, data values will not be included in the json.
Returns a dataset for drawing on the viewport
The resampling parameters
Internal method that runs on each animation tick
The current animation progress, a value from 0 to 1
The animation finite state machine
Runs renderdataTransform to set transformedRenderPassData, usually for use with ranging.
Generated using TypeDoc
Defines a mountain/area series or JavaScript mountain chart type in the SciChart's High Performance Real-time JavaScript Charts
To add a mountain series to a SciChartSurface you need to declare both the RenderableSeries and a DataSeries. Simplified code sample below:
const sciChartSurface: SciChartSurface; const wasmContext: TSciChart; // Create and fill the dataseries const dataSeries = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext); dataSeries.append(1,2); dataSeries.append(1,2); // Create the renderableSeries const mountainSeries = new FastMountainRenderableSeries(wasmContext); mountainSeries.dataSeries = dataSeries; // append to the SciChartSurface sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(mountainSeries);