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Optional parameters passed to the constructor of FastBandRenderableSeries




Optional animation

An animation that runs on the start, child class to SeriesAnimation

Optional clipToYRange

clipToYRange: boolean

If true, the drawing will be clipped to the visibleRange of the associated Y Axis. This is only really relevant if you are using Stacked Y Axes and do not want the series to be drawn outside that axis range

Optional dataLabelProvider

A DataLabelProvider used for creating and drawing per-point text.

Optional dataLabels

Options to pass to the DataLabelProvider. Set a style with font and size to enable per-point text for this series.

Optional dataSeries

dataSeries: IDataSeries

The DataSeries which provides a datasource for this IRenderableSeries to draw

Optional drawNaNAs

drawNaNAs: ELineDrawMode

How to treat NAN (Not a number) values in the input dataSeries. See ELineDrawMode for a list of values.

Optional effect

An optional ShaderEffect for modifying the render output of this IRenderableSeries


Options include GlowEffect and ShadowEffect. Apply an effect to see how it modifies rendering!

Optional fill

fill: string

Gets or sets the fill color for when Y is less than Y1 as an HTML Color code

Optional fillLinearGradient

fillLinearGradient: GradientParams

Gets or sets the fill as a gradient brush

Optional fillLinearGradientY1

fillLinearGradientY1: GradientParams

Gets or sets the Y1 fill as a gradient brush

Optional fillY1

fillY1: string

Gets or sets the fill color for when Y1 is less than Y as an HTML Color code

Optional id

id: string

A unique Id for the IRenderableSeries

Optional isDigitalLine

isDigitalLine: boolean

When true, if this series draws a line, the line will be a digital (step) line

Optional isHovered

isHovered: boolean

Initial hovered state for the series. Default to false

Optional isSelected

isSelected: boolean

Initial selected state for the series. Default to false

Optional isVisible

isVisible: boolean

When true, the series is visible and drawn

Optional onHoveredChanged

onHoveredChanged: TSeriesHoverChangedCallback | string

Optional callback function when hovered changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.hovered event handler

Optional onIsVisibleChanged

onIsVisibleChanged: TSeriesVisibleChangedCallback | string

Optional callback function when isVisible changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.isVisibleChanged event handler

Optional onSelectedChanged

onSelectedChanged: TSeriesSelectionChangedCallback | string

Optional callback function when selected changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.selected event handler

Optional opacity

opacity: number

An Opacity factor of the Series that controls its semi-transparency level, where value 1 means the Series is opaque; 0 - transparent.

Optional paletteProvider

An optional IPaletteProvider which is used to provide per data-point coloring or paletting.


See IStrokePaletteProvider for per data-point coloring of lines or strokes, IFillPaletteProvider for per data-point coloring of fills or series bodies, and IPointMarkerPaletteProvider for per data-point coloring of point-markers

Optional pointMarker

A Point Marker which is used to draw an optional point-marker at each data-point. Applicable to some series types only

Optional resamplingMode

resamplingMode: EResamplingMode

Gets or sets the EResamplingMode used when drawing this series. Default value is AUTO. To disable resampling for this series, set mode to NONE.

Optional resamplingPrecision

resamplingPrecision: number

Gets or sets the resampling precision for this series

Optional stroke

stroke: string

A Stroke for lines, outlines and edges of this RenderableSeries


Acceptable values include RGB format e.g. #FF0000, RGBA format e.g. #FF000077`` and RGBA format e.g.rgba(255,0,0,0.5)```

Optional strokeDashArray

strokeDashArray: number[]

The StrokeDashArray defines the stroke or dash pattern for the Y0 line. Accepts an array of values, e.g. [2,2] will have a line of length 2 and a gap of length 2.

Optional strokeThickness

strokeThickness: number

The Stroke Thickness for lines, outlines and edges of this RenderableSeries

Optional strokeY1

strokeY1: string

Gets or sets the stroke color the Y1 values in the data-series. See associated XyyDataSeries for further information

Optional strokeY1DashArray

strokeY1DashArray: number[]

The StrokeY1DashArray defines the stroke or dash pattern for the Y1 line. Accepts an array of values, e.g. [2,2] will have a line of length 2 and a gap of length 2.

Optional xAxisId

xAxisId: string

The current XAxis Id that this BaseRenderableSeries is bound to


By default all series will draw on the first X,Y axis pair in SciChart. If you want this to change, you must add a second axis to your SciChartSurface and link the BaseRenderableSeries by Axis Id.

For example:

const sciChartSurface: SciChartSurface;
const primaryXAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // Has Id = AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID
const primaryYAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // Has Id = AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID

const secondaryXAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // For subsequent X,Y axis set an Id
secondaryXAxis.id = "SecondaryXAxis";
const secondaryYAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
secondaryYAxis.id = "SecondaryYAxis";

// Add all Axis to the chart

// Add a series on the default axis
const renderSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext); // xAxisId, yAxisId Defaults to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID

// Add a series on the specific axis
const renderSeries2 = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext);
renderSeries2.xAxisId = "SecondaryXAxis";
renderSeries2.yAxisId = "SecondaryYAxis";

The default value is set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID.

Optional yAxisId

yAxisId: string

The current YAxis Id that this BaseRenderableSeries is bound to


By default all series will draw on the first X,Y axis pair in SciChart. If you want this to change, you must add a second axis to your SciChartSurface and link the BaseRenderableSeries by Axis Id.

For example:

const sciChartSurface: SciChartSurface;
const primaryXAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // Has Id = AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID
const primaryYAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // Has Id = AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID

const secondaryXAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // For subsequent X,Y axis set an Id
secondaryXAxis.id = "SecondaryXAxis";
const secondaryYAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
secondaryYAxis.id = "SecondaryYAxis";

// Add all Axis to the chart

// Add a series on the default axis
const renderSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext); // xAxisId, yAxisId Defaults to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID

// Add a series on the specific axis
const renderSeries2 = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext);
renderSeries2.xAxisId = "SecondaryXAxis";
renderSeries2.yAxisId = "SecondaryYAxis";

The default value is set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID.

Optional yRangeMode

yRangeMode: EYRangeMode

Determines whether the y range for this series should consider only the visible data (the default), or include the drawn points just outside the visible range

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