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The base class for Axis within SciChart - High Performance JavaScript Charts.


AxisCore is a base class for both 2D & 3D Axis types in SciChart. Concrete types include:








Object literals


Protected constructor



ZeroRangeGrowBy: number = 0.01

If the diff of the visibleRange is 0, this growby fraction will be applied

Protected allowFastMathProperty

allowFastMathProperty: boolean = false

Protected autoRangeProperty

autoRangeProperty: EAutoRange = EAutoRange.Once

Internal backing property for AxisCore.autoRange. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected autoTicksProperty

autoTicksProperty: boolean = true

Internal backing property for AxisCore.autoTicks. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected axisBandsFillProperty

axisBandsFillProperty: string = SciChartSurfaceBase.DEFAULT_THEME.axisBandsFill

Internal backing property for AxisCore.axisBandsFill. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected axisTitleProperty

axisTitleProperty: string | string[]

Internal backing property for AxisCore.axisTitle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected coordCalcCache

coordCalcCache: CoordinateCalculatorBase

Internal backing property for AxisCore.getCurrentCoordinateCalculator, a method which returns the latest valid CoordinateCalculatorBase instance for calculating pixel coordinates from data-values and vice versa.

Protected cursorTextFormattingProperty

cursorTextFormattingProperty: string

Internal backing property for AxisCore.cursorTextFormatting. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected Readonly defaultVisibleRange

defaultVisibleRange: NumberRange = new NumberRange(0, 10)

Protected deltaCalculatorProperty

deltaCalculatorProperty: DeltaCalculator

Internal backing property for AxisCore.deltaCalculator. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected drawLabelsProperty

drawLabelsProperty: boolean = true

Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawLabels. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected drawMajorBandsProperty

drawMajorBandsProperty: boolean = true

Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawMajorBands. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected drawMajorGridLinesProperty

drawMajorGridLinesProperty: boolean = true

Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawMajorGridLines. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected drawMajorTickLinesProperty

drawMajorTickLinesProperty: boolean = true

Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawMajorTickLines. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected drawMinorGridLinesProperty

drawMinorGridLinesProperty: boolean = true

Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawMinorGridLines. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected drawMinorTickLinesProperty

drawMinorTickLinesProperty: boolean = true

Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawMinorTickLines. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected flippedCoordinatesProperty

flippedCoordinatesProperty: boolean = false

Internal backing property for AxisCore.flippedCoordinates. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected growByProperty

growByProperty: NumberRange | undefined

Internal backing property for AxisCore.growBy. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected hasVisibleRangeSet

hasVisibleRangeSet: boolean = false

If false, autoRange Once will run on this axis. Set true when there is any change to the visibleRange.

Protected idProperty

idProperty: string = AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID

Internal backing property for AxisCore.id. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property


invalidateParentCallback: () => void

Callback to invalidate the parent 2D SciChartSurface or 3D SciChart3DSurface

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void


isMeasured: boolean = false

A flag to indicate if measure has been called this frame. Properties updated after measure must trigger a redraw

Protected isVisibleProperty

isVisibleProperty: boolean = true

Internal backing property for AxisCore.isVisible. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected isXAxisProperty

isXAxisProperty: boolean = true

Internal backing property for {@link AxisCore.isAxis}. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected labelProviderProperty

labelProviderProperty: LabelProvider

Internal backing property for AxisCore.labelProvider. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected majorDeltaProperty

majorDeltaProperty: number

Internal backing property for AxisCore.majorDelta. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected maxAutoTicksProperty

maxAutoTicksProperty: number = 10

Internal backing property for AxisCore.maxAutoTicks. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected minorDeltaProperty

minorDeltaProperty: number

Internal backing property for AxisCore.minorDelta. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected minorsPerMajorProperty

minorsPerMajorProperty: number = 5

Internal backing property for AxisCore.minorsPerMajor. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected textFormattingProperty

textFormattingProperty: string

Internal backing property for AxisCore.textFormatting. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected tickCoordinatesProviderProperty

tickCoordinatesProviderProperty: TickCoordinatesProvider

Internal backing property for AxisCore.tickCoordinatesProvider. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected tickProviderProperty

tickProviderProperty: TickProvider

Internal backing property for AxisCore.tickProvider. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Protected tickTextBrushProperty

tickTextBrushProperty: string = SciChartSurfaceBase.DEFAULT_THEME.tickTextBrush

Internal backing property for {@link AxisCore.tickTextBrush}. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Readonly Abstract type

type: EAxisType

The type of axis. See EAxisType for a list of values

Protected visibleRangeAnimationToken

visibleRangeAnimationToken: IGenericAnimation


visibleRangeChanged: EventHandler<VisibleRangeChangedArgs> = new EventHandler<VisibleRangeChangedArgs>()

An EventHandler which fires a callback when the AxisCore.visibleRange property changes.


Protected visibleRangeProperty

visibleRangeProperty: NumberRange

Internal backing property for AxisCore.visibleRange. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property

Static Readonly DEFAULT_AXIS_ID

DEFAULT_AXIS_ID: "DefaultAxisId" = "DefaultAxisId"

The Default AxisCore.id


By default all axis in SciChart have Id=AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Also, all RenderableSeries have an xAxisId and yAxisId property set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Annotations also have an xAxisId and yAxisId also set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Some Chart Modifiers have an x,yAxisId property to filter their operations to an axis.

In multi-axis scenarios you will need to set the xAxisId/yAxisId properties of series, annotations, modifiers to match that of the axis you want them to be registered on.



  • get allowFastMath(): boolean
  • set allowFastMath(allowFastMath: boolean): void
  • When true, 32-bit faster paths for coordinate calculation maths are used. This improves performance in edge-cases where every CPU cycle counts.

    Returns boolean

  • When true, 32-bit faster paths for coordinate calculation maths are used. This improves performance in edge-cases where every CPU cycle counts.


    • allowFastMath: boolean

    Returns void


  • Returns NumberRange


  • gets or sets the Auto-Ranging behaviour on the axis. See EAutoRange for a list of values. The default value is EAutoRange.Once

    Returns EAutoRange

  • gets or sets the Auto-Ranging behaviour on the axis. See EAutoRange for a list of values. The default value is EAutoRange.Once


    Returns void


  • get autoTicks(): boolean
  • set autoTicks(value: boolean): void
  • A boolean flag, when true, the axis will automatically calculate its Major and Minor delta. When false, the user can specify or set these properties for overriding axis gridline spacing

    Returns boolean

  • A boolean flag, when true, the axis will automatically calculate its Major and Minor delta. When false, the user can specify or set these properties for overriding axis gridline spacing


    • value: boolean

    Returns void


  • get axisBandsFill(): string
  • set axisBandsFill(axisBandsFill: string): void
  • Gets or sets the Axis Bands fill as an HTML Color code


    See AxisCore.drawMajorBands to switch band drawing on and off

    Returns string

  • Gets or sets the Axis Bands fill as an HTML Color code


    See AxisCore.drawMajorBands to switch band drawing on and off


    • axisBandsFill: string

    Returns void


  • get axisTitle(): string | string[]
  • set axisTitle(axisTitle: string | string[]): void
  • Gets or sets the Axis title string Use an array to create a multiLine title

    Returns string | string[]

  • Gets or sets the Axis title string Use an array to create a multiLine title


    • axisTitle: string | string[]

    Returns void


  • summary

    Gets or sets the Axis Title style


    See TAxisTitleStyle for the type which contains style options

    Returns TAxisTitleStyle

  • summary

    Gets or sets the Axis Title style


    See TAxisTitleStyle for the type which contains style options


    Returns void


  • get cursorTextFormatting(): string
  • set cursorTextFormatting(cursorTextFormatting: string): void
  • Returns string

  • Parameters

    • cursorTextFormatting: string

    Returns void


  • Gets or sets a DeltaCalculator - a class which is responsible for calculating the Major and Minor delta, which are used for gridline spacing

    Returns DeltaCalculator

  • Gets or sets a DeltaCalculator - a class which is responsible for calculating the Major and Minor delta, which are used for gridline spacing


    Returns void



  • get drawLabels(): boolean
  • set drawLabels(drawLabels: boolean): void
  • When true, draws labels on the axis, else they are not drawn

    Returns boolean

  • When true, draws labels on the axis, else they are not drawn


    • drawLabels: boolean

    Returns void


  • get drawMajorBands(): boolean
  • set drawMajorBands(drawMajorBands: boolean): void
  • When true, draws bands, a solid color fill between alternative major gridlines, else they are not drawn


    See also the AxisCore.axisBandsFill property to style this element

    Returns boolean

  • When true, draws bands, a solid color fill between alternative major gridlines, else they are not drawn


    See also the AxisCore.axisBandsFill property to style this element


    • drawMajorBands: boolean

    Returns void


  • get drawMajorGridLines(): boolean
  • set drawMajorGridLines(drawMajorGridLines: boolean): void
  • When true, major gridlines (lines inside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn


    SciChart makes a distinction between axis Gridlines (drawn inside the chart) and axis ticks (small marks drawn outside the chart).

    Also, an Axis draws its own gridlines, for example a YAxis, which is vertical in a 2D Chart, draws gridlines horizontally at y-spacings.

    Similarly, an XAxis, which is horizontal in a 2D chart, draws gridlines vertically at X-spacings.


    See also AxisCore.majorGridLineStyle to style the major gridlines

    Returns boolean

  • When true, major gridlines (lines inside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn


    SciChart makes a distinction between axis Gridlines (drawn inside the chart) and axis ticks (small marks drawn outside the chart).

    Also, an Axis draws its own gridlines, for example a YAxis, which is vertical in a 2D Chart, draws gridlines horizontally at y-spacings.

    Similarly, an XAxis, which is horizontal in a 2D chart, draws gridlines vertically at X-spacings.


    See also AxisCore.majorGridLineStyle to style the major gridlines


    • drawMajorGridLines: boolean

    Returns void


  • get drawMajorTickLines(): boolean
  • set drawMajorTickLines(drawMajorTickLines: boolean): void
  • When true, major gridlines (small lines outside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn


    SciChart makes a distinction between axis Gridlines (drawn inside the chart) and axis ticks (small marks drawn outside the chart).

    Also, an Axis draws its own ticklines, for example a YAxis, which is vertical in a 2D Chart, draws ticklines horizontally at y-spacings.

    Similarly, an XAxis, which is horizontal in a 2D chart, draws ticklines vertically at X-spacings.


    See also AxisCore.majorTickLineStyle to style the major tick lines

    Returns boolean

  • When true, major gridlines (small lines outside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn


    SciChart makes a distinction between axis Gridlines (drawn inside the chart) and axis ticks (small marks drawn outside the chart).

    Also, an Axis draws its own ticklines, for example a YAxis, which is vertical in a 2D Chart, draws ticklines horizontally at y-spacings.

    Similarly, an XAxis, which is horizontal in a 2D chart, draws ticklines vertically at X-spacings.


    See also AxisCore.majorTickLineStyle to style the major tick lines


    • drawMajorTickLines: boolean

    Returns void


  • get drawMinorGridLines(): boolean
  • set drawMinorGridLines(drawMinorGridLines: boolean): void
  • When true, minor gridlines (lines inside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn


    SciChart makes a distinction between axis Gridlines (drawn inside the chart) and axis ticks (small marks drawn outside the chart).

    Also, an Axis draws its own gridlines, for example a YAxis, which is vertical in a 2D Chart, draws gridlines horizontally at y-spacings.

    Similarly, an XAxis, which is horizontal in a 2D chart, draws gridlines vertically at X-spacings.


    See also AxisCore.minorGridLineStyle to style the minor gridlines

    Returns boolean

  • When true, minor gridlines (lines inside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn


    SciChart makes a distinction between axis Gridlines (drawn inside the chart) and axis ticks (small marks drawn outside the chart).

    Also, an Axis draws its own gridlines, for example a YAxis, which is vertical in a 2D Chart, draws gridlines horizontally at y-spacings.

    Similarly, an XAxis, which is horizontal in a 2D chart, draws gridlines vertically at X-spacings.


    See also AxisCore.minorGridLineStyle to style the minor gridlines


    • drawMinorGridLines: boolean

    Returns void


  • get drawMinorTickLines(): boolean
  • set drawMinorTickLines(drawMinorTickLines: boolean): void
  • When true, minor gridlines (small lines outside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn


    SciChart makes a distinction between axis Gridlines (drawn inside the chart) and axis ticks (small marks drawn outside the chart).

    Also, an Axis draws its own ticklines, for example a YAxis, which is vertical in a 2D Chart, draws ticklines horizontally at y-spacings.

    Similarly, an XAxis, which is horizontal in a 2D chart, draws ticklines vertically at X-spacings.


    See also AxisCore.minorTickLineStyle to style the minor tick lines

    Returns boolean

  • When true, minor gridlines (small lines outside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn


    SciChart makes a distinction between axis Gridlines (drawn inside the chart) and axis ticks (small marks drawn outside the chart).

    Also, an Axis draws its own ticklines, for example a YAxis, which is vertical in a 2D Chart, draws ticklines horizontally at y-spacings.

    Similarly, an XAxis, which is horizontal in a 2D chart, draws ticklines vertically at X-spacings.


    See also AxisCore.minorTickLineStyle to style the minor tick lines


    • drawMinorTickLines: boolean

    Returns void


  • get flippedCoordinates(): boolean
  • set flippedCoordinates(flippedCoordinates: boolean): void
  • When true, axis coordinates are flipped, e.g. a NumericAxis with VisibleRange 0..10 will render from 10 to 0

    Returns boolean

  • When true, axis coordinates are flipped, e.g. a NumericAxis with VisibleRange 0..10 will render from 10 to 0


    • flippedCoordinates: boolean

    Returns void


  • Gets or sets the GrowBy: a padding factor on the axis


    Growby factor is a padding factor set on the axis. For example if you want to have a constant padding above and below the axis, the following code will result in a 10% (min) and 20% (max) padding outside of the datarange.

    axis.growBy = new NumberRange(0.1, 0.2);

    Returns NumberRange | undefined

  • Gets or sets the GrowBy: a padding factor on the axis


    Growby factor is a padding factor set on the axis. For example if you want to have a constant padding above and below the axis, the following code will result in a 10% (min) and 20% (max) padding outside of the datarange.

    axis.growBy = new NumberRange(0.1, 0.2);


    Returns void


  • get id(): string
  • set id(id: string): void
  • Gets or sets the unique Axis Id


    By default all axis in SciChart have Id=AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Also, all RenderableSeries have an xAxisId and yAxisId property set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Annotations also have an xAxisId and yAxisId also set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Some Chart Modifiers have an x,yAxisId property to filter their operations to an axis.

    In multi-axis scenarios you will need to set the xAxisId/yAxisId properties of series, annotations, modifiers to match that of the axis you want them to be registered on.

    Returns string

  • Gets or sets the unique Axis Id


    By default all axis in SciChart have Id=AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Also, all RenderableSeries have an xAxisId and yAxisId property set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Annotations also have an xAxisId and yAxisId also set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Some Chart Modifiers have an x,yAxisId property to filter their operations to an axis.

    In multi-axis scenarios you will need to set the xAxisId/yAxisId properties of series, annotations, modifiers to match that of the axis you want them to be registered on.


    • id: string

    Returns void


  • get isCategoryAxis(): boolean
  • Gets if the Axis is Category

    Returns boolean


  • get isHorizontalAxis(): boolean
  • Returns boolean


  • get isVerticalChart(): boolean
  • Returns boolean


  • get isVisible(): boolean
  • set isVisible(isVisible: boolean): void
  • When true, the axis is visible. Default value is also true for the axis


    An invisible axis can be used to scale series to the viewport. For example:

    • have a chart with two-YAxis

    • have one series on the first axis and another series on the second axis

    • set second AxisCore.isVisible = false, and AxisCore.autoRange = EAutoRange.Always

      This will scale the series on the second axis to the viewport, on an invisible, auto-ranged axis

    Returns boolean

  • When true, the axis is visible. Default value is also true for the axis


    An invisible axis can be used to scale series to the viewport. For example:

    • have a chart with two-YAxis

    • have one series on the first axis and another series on the second axis

    • set second AxisCore.isVisible = false, and AxisCore.autoRange = EAutoRange.Always

      This will scale the series on the second axis to the viewport, on an invisible, auto-ranged axis


    • isVisible: boolean

    Returns void


  • get isXAxis(): boolean
  • SET INTERNALLY. Gets whether this axis is an XAxis or not


    See AxisBase2D.axisAlignment if you want to set a 2D Axis alignment to the left, right, top or bottom

    Returns boolean


  • Gets or sets a LabelProvider - a class which is responsible for formatting axis labels and cursor labels from numeric values

    Returns LabelProvider

  • Gets or sets a LabelProvider - a class which is responsible for formatting axis labels and cursor labels from numeric values


    Returns void


  • get majorDelta(): number
  • set majorDelta(majorDelta: number): void
  • The MajorDelta is the spacing between major gridlines and axis labels.


    This is internally computed via the Delta Calculator, however it can be explicitly set here in which case you should also set AxisCore.minorDelta and AxisCore.autoTicks = false.

    It is also possible to override and create custom implementations of the DeltaCalculator for full control over axis gridline spacing.

    Returns number

  • The MajorDelta is the spacing between major gridlines and axis labels.


    This is internally computed via the Delta Calculator, however it can be explicitly set here in which case you should also set AxisCore.minorDelta and AxisCore.autoTicks = false.

    It is also possible to override and create custom implementations of the DeltaCalculator for full control over axis gridline spacing.


    • majorDelta: number

    Returns void


  • summary

    Gets or sets the Major gridlines style


    See TGridLineStyle for the type which contains style options

    Returns TGridLineStyle

  • summary

    Gets or sets the Major gridlines style


    See TGridLineStyle for the type which contains style options


    Returns void


  • summary

    Gets or sets the Major Tick lines style


    See TTickLineStyle for the type which contains style options

    Returns TTickLineStyle

  • summary

    Gets or sets the Major Tick lines style


    See TTickLineStyle for the type which contains style options


    Returns void


  • get maxAutoTicks(): number
  • set maxAutoTicks(value: number): void
  • Gets or sets the max-auto-ticks. A hint which limits the number of major gridlines and labels (aka major ticks) on the axis at any one time. This value is a hint, and actual value of ticks may be lower than this

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets the max-auto-ticks. A hint which limits the number of major gridlines and labels (aka major ticks) on the axis at any one time. This value is a hint, and actual value of ticks may be lower than this


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • get minorDelta(): number
  • set minorDelta(minorDelta: number): void
  • The MinorDelta is the spacing between minor gridlines.


    This is internally computed via the Delta Calculator, however it can be explicitly set here in which case you should also set AxisCore.majorDelta and AxisCore.autoTicks = false.

    It is also possible to override and create custom implementations of the DeltaCalculator for full control over axis gridline spacing.

    Returns number

  • The MinorDelta is the spacing between minor gridlines.


    This is internally computed via the Delta Calculator, however it can be explicitly set here in which case you should also set AxisCore.majorDelta and AxisCore.autoTicks = false.

    It is also possible to override and create custom implementations of the DeltaCalculator for full control over axis gridline spacing.


    • minorDelta: number

    Returns void


  • summary

    Gets or sets the Minor gridlines style


    See TGridLineStyle for the type which contains style options

    Returns TGridLineStyle

  • summary

    Gets or sets the Minor gridlines style


    See TGridLineStyle for the type which contains style options


    Returns void


  • summary

    Gets or sets the Minor Tick lines style


    See TTickLineStyle for the type which contains style options

    Returns TTickLineStyle

  • summary

    Gets or sets the Minor Tick lines style


    See TTickLineStyle for the type which contains style options


    Returns void


  • get minorsPerMajor(): number
  • set minorsPerMajor(minorDelta: number): void
  • When AxisCore.autoTicks is true, minorsPerMajor is a hint of how many minor gridlines should be drawn between each major gridline

    Returns number

  • When AxisCore.autoTicks is true, minorsPerMajor is a hint of how many minor gridlines should be drawn between each major gridline


    • minorDelta: number

    Returns void


  • get textFormatting(): string
  • set textFormatting(textFormatting: string): void
  • Returns string

  • Parameters

    • textFormatting: string

    Returns void



  • Gets or sets a TickProvider - a class which calculates ticks (interval between major and minor gridlines, ticks and labels)

    Returns TickProvider

  • Gets or sets a TickProvider - a class which calculates ticks (interval between major and minor gridlines, ticks and labels)


    Returns void


  • The VisibleRange is the range of the Axis (min to max).


    For example, if you have data-values from 0 to 100 in your DataSeries, but you only want to show values from 15-25 on the axis, then set the visibleRange as follows:

    axis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(15, 25);

    The visibleRange is a data-value for NumericAxis, NumericAxis3D but refers to an index to the data for CategoryAxis types.

    Returns NumberRange

  • The VisibleRange is the range of the Axis (min to max).


    For example, if you have data-values from 0 to 100 in your DataSeries, but you only want to show values from 15-25 on the axis, then set the visibleRange as follows:

    axis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(15, 25);

    The visibleRange is a data-value for NumericAxis, NumericAxis3D but refers to an index to the data for CategoryAxis types.

    If you override this setter, make sure you add this.hasVisibleRangeSet = true;


    Returns void


Abstract animateVisibleRange

  • Sets and animates the visibleRange of the axis from the current value to the provided value over the duration and with Easing Function provided


    Returns IGenericAnimation


  • clearCoordCalcCache(): void
  • Force the recreation of the coordinate calculator the next time it is requested Required if the dataSeries has changed on a category axis

    Returns void

Protected coerceZeroVisibleRange


  • delete(): void
  • Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.


    Call .delete() before finishing with the object to ensure that WebAssmembly memory leaks do not occur.

    All elements within SciChart's High Performance Realtime JavaScript Charts which implement IDeletable must be deleted manually to free native (WebAssembly) memory

    Returns void

Abstract getAxisSize

  • getAxisSize(): number
  • Gets the long dimension of the axis, in pixels

    Returns number


  • Gets the current CoordinateCalculatorBase instance. Recreates the coordinate-calculator if it does not match the axis values The coordinate-calculator allows you to transform between pixel and data coordinates (and vice versa)

    Returns CoordinateCalculatorBase

Protected Abstract getCurrentCoordinateCalculatorInternal

  • Creates new CoordinateCalculatorBase instance. Valid for this render-pass only, the coordinate-calculator allows you to transform between pixel and data coordinates (and vice versa)

    Returns CoordinateCalculatorBase

Abstract getDefaultNonZeroRange

  • Gets a default value to apply to AxisCore.visibleRange if none provided, and no auto-range operation

    Returns NumberRange

Protected getMaxAutoTicks

  • getMaxAutoTicks(): number
  • Returns number


  • hasDefaultVisibleRange(): boolean
  • When true, the axis has the default AxisCore.visibleRange.


    This property is used internally when autoranging. If the range is default and AxisCore.autoRange is EAutoRange.Once then the axis will autorange once.

    Returns boolean


  • hasValidVisibleRange(): boolean


  • Tests whether the range passed in is valid


    Returns boolean

Protected notifyPropertyChanged

  • notifyPropertyChanged(propertyName: string): void
  • Notifies listeners to AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback that a property has changed and the parent chart needs to be redrawn.


    Override this in derived classes if you want to notified of a specific property change


    • propertyName: string

      The property name which has changed.

    Returns void

Protected setIsXAxis

  • setIsXAxis(isXAxis: boolean): void
  • SET INTERNALLY. Sets whether this axis is an XAxis or not


    See AxisBase2D.axisAlignment if you want to set a 2D Axis alignment to the left, right, top or bottom


    • isXAxis: boolean

    Returns void

Object literals

Protected axisTitleStyleProperty

axisTitleStyleProperty: object

Internal backing property for AxisCore.axisTitleStyle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property


alignment: Center = ELabelAlignment.Center


color: string = SciChartSurfaceBase.DEFAULT_THEME.axisTitleColor


fontFamily: string = "Arial"


fontSize: number = 24


fontStyle: string = "normal"


fontWeight: string = "normal"


padding: Thickness = Thickness.fromNumber(6)

Protected majorGridLineStyleProperty

majorGridLineStyleProperty: object

Internal backing property for AxisCore.majorGridLineStyle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property


color: string = SciChartSurfaceBase.DEFAULT_THEME.majorGridLineBrush


strokeDashArray: undefined = undefined


strokeThickness: number = 1

Protected majorTickLineStyleProperty

majorTickLineStyleProperty: object

Internal backing property for AxisCore.majorTickLineStyle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property


color: string = SciChartSurfaceBase.DEFAULT_THEME.majorGridLineBrush


strokeThickness: number = 1


tickSize: number = 5

Protected minorGridLineStyleProperty

minorGridLineStyleProperty: object

Internal backing property for AxisCore.minorGridLineStyle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property


color: string = SciChartSurfaceBase.DEFAULT_THEME.minorGridLineBrush


strokeDashArray: undefined = undefined


strokeThickness: number = 1

Protected minorTickLineStyleProperty

minorTickLineStyleProperty: object

Internal backing property for AxisCore.minorTickLineStyle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property


color: string = SciChartSurfaceBase.DEFAULT_THEME.minorGridLineBrush


strokeThickness: number = 1


tickSize: number = 3

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