Stores info about active pointerdown events
A unique Id for the IChartModifierBase
A callback to invalidate the parent SciChartSurfaceBase
Specifies a string ID to group modifiers.
When true, this modifier can receive mouse events
The operation that modifier should respond to
The operation that modifier should respond to
When true, the modifier is attached to a SciChartSurfaceBase
When true, the modifier is enabled
When true, the modifier is enabled
The type of Chart Modifier, see EModifierType for a list of values
When true, this modifier should receive events which have been handled by modifiers higher up in the call hierachy.
When true, this modifier should receive events which have been handled by modifiers higher up in the call hierachy.
Applies a theme (defined by IThemeProvider) to the current element
The theme data to apply
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
Checks if event conditions should trigger the modifier action
current event info as ModifierMouseArgs
Notifies the parent surface that a property has changed by calling invalidateParentCallback
the property name which has changed
Called when the modifier is attached to a parent SciChartSurfaceBase
Called when a RenderableSeries is attached to this modifier
Called when a SciChartSubSurface} is attached to the parent SciChartSurface
Called when the modifier is detached from a parent SciChartSurfaceBase
Called when a RenderableSeries is detached from this modifier
Called when a SciChartSubSurface is detached from the parent SciChartSurface
Called when the parent SciChartSurfaceBase is rendered
Sets the parent SciChartSurfaceBase on this modifier
Convert the object to a definition that can be serialized to JSON, or used directly with the builder api
Generated using TypeDoc
Defines a base class to a Chart Modifier - a class which provides Zoom, Pan, Tooltip or interaction behavior to SciChart - High Performance Realtime JavaScript Charts