Gets the parent Axis this TickProvider is attached to
Called when the TickProvider is attached from an Axis
The current AxisCore.minorDelta which is the difference between minor gridlines requested by the Axis
The current AxisCore.majorDelta which is the difference between major gridlines requested by the {
The current AxisCore.visibleRange which is the minimum / maximum range visible on the Axis.
The array of major ticks, e.g. if we want to place gridlines at 100,120,140,160,180,200, then the
getMajorTicks() method should return an array with [100,120,140,160,180,200]
The current AxisCore.minorDelta which is the difference between minor gridlines requested by the Axis
The current AxisCore.majorDelta which is the difference between major gridlines requested by the {
The current AxisCore.majorDelta which is the minimum / maximum range visible on the Axis.
The array of minor ticks, e.g. if we want to place minor gridlines every 5, then the
getMinorTicks() method should return an array with [105, 110, 115]
Generated using TypeDoc
The TickProvider is a base class for calculating ticks (interval between major and minor gridlines, ticks and labels).
TickProviders are responsible for calculating the interval between major and minor gridlines, ticks and labels.
The method {@getMajorTicks} returns an array of major ticks (data-values values where SciChart will place labels and major gridlines). The method {@getMinorTicks} returns an array of minor ticks (data-values values where SciChart will place minor gridlines). The method {@attachedToAxis} is called when the TickProvider is attached to an Axis.
Override these methods to create custom implementations of Tick intervals in SciChart or use our built-in NumericTickProvider
TickProviders are shared between 2D & 3D Charts. See also NumericTickProvider for a concrete implementation.