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Defines the interface to a Hit-Test Provider: a class which performs hit-tests on series, returning data-values at X-Y mouse locations


  • IHitTestProvider

Implemented by




  • hitTest(x: number, y: number, hitTestRadius?: number): HitTestInfo
  • description

    Performs a hit-test for series body at the specific mouse point (X,Y coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface), returning a HitTestInfo type with the results


    For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO


    • x: number

      The mouse point X coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface. NOTE: For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO

    • y: number

      The mouse point Y coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface. NOTE: For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO

    • Optional hitTestRadius: number

      The radius in pixels to determine whether a mouse is over a data-point

    Returns HitTestInfo


  • hitTestDataPoint(x: number, y: number, hitTestRadius?: number): HitTestInfo
  • description

    Performs a hit-test for the data point at the specific mouse point (X,Y coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface), returning a HitTestInfo type with the results


    For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO


    • x: number

      The mouse point X coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface. NOTE: For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO

    • y: number

      The mouse point Y coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface. NOTE: For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO

    • Optional hitTestRadius: number

      The radius in pixels to determine whether a mouse is over a data-point

    Returns HitTestInfo


  • hitTestForDataPointSelectionModifier(x: number, y: number, hitTestRadius: number): HitTestInfo
  • description

    Performs a hit-test for the DataPointSelectionModifier. This calls IHitTestProvider.hitTestDataPoint by default. The hitTestProvider for the renderableSeries can override this if different behaviour is desired, eg for columSeries we call hitTest instead. returns a HitTestInfo type with the results, Only for sorted values


    For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO


    • x: number

      The mouse point X coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface. NOTE: For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO

    • y: number

      The mouse point Y coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface. NOTE: For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO

    • hitTestRadius: number

      The radius in pixels to determine whether a mouse is over a data-point

    Returns HitTestInfo


  • hitTestXSlice(x: number, y: number, hitTestRadius?: number): HitTestInfo
  • description

    Performs a hit-test for the vertical slice at the specific mouse point (X,Y coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface), only X value is taken into account, it is used for CursorModifier and RolloverModifier, returns a HitTestInfo type with the results, Only for sorted values


    For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO


    • x: number

      The mouse point X coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface. NOTE: For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO

    • y: number

      The mouse point Y coordinate on the parent SciChartSurface. NOTE: For Retina displays and Browser zoom, ensure that X,Y points are scaled by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO

    • Optional hitTestRadius: number

      The radius in pixels to determine whether a mouse is over a data-point

    Returns HitTestInfo


  • description

    updates the current HitTestProvider with the latest renderPassData


    • renderPassData: RenderPassData

      the latest renderPassData from the parent series last draw operation

    Returns void

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