Optional parameters of type IDataPointSelectionModifierOptions used to configure the modifier
Stores info about active pointerdown events
When true, allow single click to select a data-point. Also see allowDragSelect for the option to drag to select multiple points
When true, allow dragging a rectangle to select multiple data-points. Also see allowClickSelect for the option to click to select a single point
A unique Id for the IChartModifierBase
A callback to invalidate the parent SciChartSurfaceBase
Specifies a string ID to group modifiers.
A selection-changed EventHandler. See EventHandler for how to subscribe to and be notified when any Series is selected or unselected
When true, this modifier can receive mouse events
The operation that modifier should respond to
The operation that modifier should respond to
Used internally for tests. Gets a Map of included series
When true, the modifier is attached to a SciChartSurfaceBase
When true, the modifier is enabled
When true, the modifier is enabled
The type of Chart Modifier, see EModifierType for a list of values
When true, this modifier should receive events which have been handled by modifiers higher up in the call hierachy.
When true, this modifier should receive events which have been handled by modifiers higher up in the call hierachy.
An array of currently selected series which can be observed by subscribing to the selectionChanged event handler
Gets or sets the fill of the selection rect when the user drags on the chart
Gets or sets the fill of the selection rect when the user drags on the chart
Gets or sets the stroke of the selection rect when the user drags on the chart
Gets or sets the stroke of the selection rect when the user drags on the chart
Gets or sets the strokeThickness of the selection rect when the user drags on the chart
Gets or sets the strokeThickness of the selection rect when the user drags on the chart
Applies a theme (defined by IThemeProvider) to the current element
The theme data to apply
Deselects all points
When true (default=true) raise selectionChanged event and redraw the parent SciChartSurface
Gets all series on the parent surface.
Returns the list of included IRenderableSeries without excluded elements
Checks if event conditions should trigger the modifier action
current event info as ModifierMouseArgs
Gets the current ESelectionMode to use - e.g. Union, Replace - depending on TModifierKeys and if the selection is area selection or not. This function can be overridden by the IDataPointSelectionModifierOptions.getSelectionMode
The TModifierKeys e.g. if Ctrl, Shift or Alt are pressed
When true, the user has selected a rectangle or area, not clicked a single point
Grows the Axis by a fraction around the mouse point
the X,Y location of the mouse at the time of the operation
the Axis to grow or shrink
the fraction, e.g. 0.1 grows the axis by 10%
Mark if the Series should be included or excluded, for instance for IChartModifierBase
Called when the modifier is attached to a parent SciChartSurfaceBase
Called when a RenderableSeries is attached to this modifier
Called when a SciChartSubSurface} is attached to the parent SciChartSurface
Called when the modifier is detached from a parent SciChartSurfaceBase
Called when a RenderableSeries is detached from this modifier
Called when a SciChartSubSurface is detached from the parent SciChartSurface
Called when the parent SciChartSurfaceBase is rendered
Selects all points inside the Rect, according to the ESelectionMode passed in
Performs selection of a single point with the desired ESelectionMode
Sets the parent SciChartSurfaceBase on this modifier
Generated using TypeDoc
Creates an instances of DataPointSelectionModifier