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Options to pass to the StackedColumnCollection constructor




Optional dataLabels

Options to pass to the DataLabelProvider. Set a style with font and size to enable per-point text for this series.

Optional dataPointWidth

dataPointWidth: number

Sets a value used to calculate the width of columns. By default the value is treated as relative, valid values range from 0.0 - 1.0. For grouped columns, this is the width of the group, not the columns within the group. To specify if the value should be treated as relative, absolute, or based on range use dataPointWidthMode

Optional dataPointWidthMode

dataPointWidthMode: EDataPointWidthMode

Gets or sets the mode which determines how dataPointWidth is interpreted. Available values are EDataPointWidthMode. Default Relative.

Optional isOneHundredPercent

isOneHundredPercent: boolean

Sets 100% mode. When true, the stacked group becomes a 100% stacked chart

Optional isVisible

isVisible: boolean

When true, the series is visible and drawn

Optional spacing

spacing: number

The spacing between columns in pixels

Optional xAxisId

xAxisId: string

Sets the bound XAxis for this BaseRenderableSeries.


Does a lookup search on SciChartSurface.xAxes collection by Id matching this.xAxisId

Optional yAxisId

yAxisId: string

Sets the bound YAxis for this BaseRenderableSeries.


Does a lookup search on SciChartSurface.yAxes collection by Id matching this.yAxisId

Optional yRangeMode

yRangeMode: EYRangeMode

Determines whether the y range for this series should consider only the visible data (the default), or include the drawn points just outside the visible range

Optional zeroLineY

zeroLineY: number

the Zero-line Y, the Y-value where the mountain crosses zero and inverts. Default is 0

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