If true, the drawing will be clipped to the visibleRange of the associated Y Axis. This is only really relevant if you are using Stacked Y Axes and do not want the series to be drawn outside that axis range
A DataLabelProvider used for creating and drawing per-point text.
Options to pass to the DataLabelProvider. Set a style with font and size to enable per-point text for this series.
The DataSeries which provides a datasource for this IRenderableSeries to draw
How to treat NAN (Not a number) values in the input dataSeries. See ELineDrawMode for a list of values.
An optional ShaderEffect for modifying the render output of this IRenderableSeries
A unique Id for the IRenderableSeries
A number of interpolation points being used for the Spline, where value 0 means no interpolation.
When true, if this series draws a line, the line will be a digital (step) line
Initial hovered state for the series. Default to false
Initial selected state for the series. Default to false
When true, the series is visible and drawn
The type of line to draw. One of ELineType. Replaces isDigitalLine
Optional callback function when hovered changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.hovered event handler
Optional callback function when isVisible changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.isVisibleChanged event handler
Optional callback function when selected changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.selected event handler
An Opacity factor of the Series that controls its semi-transparency level, where value 1 means the Series is opaque; 0 - transparent.
An optional IPaletteProvider which is used to provide per data-point coloring or paletting.
A Point Marker which is used to draw an optional point-marker at each data-point. Applicable to some series types only
Gets or sets the EResamplingMode used when drawing this series. Default value is AUTO. To disable resampling for this series, set mode to NONE.
Gets or sets the resampling precision for this series
A Stroke for lines, outlines and edges of this RenderableSeries
The StrokeDashArray defines the stroke or dash pattern for the line. Accepts an array of values, e.g. [2,2] will have a line of length 2 and a gap of length 2.
The Stroke Thickness for lines, outlines and edges of this RenderableSeries
Determines whether the y range for this series should include the drawn points just outside the visible range (the default), or if it should consider only the visible data. Visible mode is often better for Digital lines or if your data has very large jumps in y values.
Generated using TypeDoc
An animation that runs on the start, child class to SeriesAnimation